– 100g UNFED starter
– 325g water
– 450g bread flour
– 50g wheat flour
– 10g salt

1. Mix together all ingredients by hand and let rest for 1 hour
2. Begin stretch and folds (4x spaced 30 minutes apart)
3. Bulk ferment at room temperature for 8 hours total (began mixing dough at 12:00pm and shaped at 8:00pm)
4. Shape and into proofing basket
5. Cold proof in fridge overnight (12 hours)
6. Bake: 475 for 25 minutes then lid off at 450 for 20 minutes

Does anyone else use unfed or past-peak starter and have loaves turn out just fine? This was my best loaf to date and I used a starter that hadn’t been fed in over 24 hours.

by stephaniebatten


  1. Some_Reason565

    I have done it and results are okay. My starter often stay quite bubbly thick and stretchy for well over 24hrs after feeding. Esp kept in the fridge. Out of the fridge not so much

  2. Byte_the_hand

    If you think about how starters work, this would make perfect sense. The starter, after being fed, builds up and causes the starter size to double or more. Adding it to your dough is just a really big feeding.

    Some here can explain more, but it is more about what is most active/available at peak vs after. You should be able to use discard to create a loaf as well, just different flavors than from a starter used at peak.

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