Recipe is 1000g bread flour, 700g water, 200g starter, 20g salt! Just tested mini loafs for the first time!

Ignore the odd scoring- I was trying to do a design with two “H”s but it didn’t quite turn out lol

by ImportantCupcake1497


  1. ImportantCupcake1497

    I mixed the water and starter, then added flour and salt. Rest for 1 hr then begin stretch and folds ever 30 min. Bulk fermented on counter 2 more hours then shaped and put in fridge to cold proof. Baked at 500 for 20 mins then 450 for 15 (less than I usually do for larger loafs- I usually prefer a darker crust but erred on the side of caution since I’ve never done minis)

  2. Antique_Village7012

    She’s cute I have nothing bad to say 😂💕

  3. annonash84

    Mmmm!!!! Mini loaves are cute! (And fantastic for people who don’t want to buy a large loaf just to toss lots later)

  4. kenzlovescats

    How did you bake it? On a stone or pan? I want to make bread bowls and I’m not sure what’s best since I typically use a Dutch oven…

  5. ImportantCupcake1497

    Exactly!! The perfect size for one person 🙂

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