Finally found some nice picanha in a supermarket here and had to try and cook it.

I only seasoned with some salt and then cooked in a cast iron in its own fat.

I didn't bother with a thermometer this time cause i thought I'd be too much work with all these steaks.

I regret it as the thicker cuts ended up being a bit too rare.

The fat cap definitely makes them cook slower then the steaks I'm used to.

It ended up still being delicious and plentiful given the beans and rice side.

by PicchiaBianco


  1. johnjonesnewphone

    Looks good picana is a hard one to cook

  2. Trynagetbigman

    Let it come to room temp next time before you sear

  3. OscarDivine

    Under for my own taste but my biggest gripe is that you cut it with a chainsaw.

  4. alczervikslumberyard

    So do most of you eat all that fat cap? Just curious.

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