As stated in the caption this is my first time making sourdough so I'm looking for harsh feedback with regards to crumb, crust, and the recipe I chose.

I'm happy with how it turned out as a first attempt although the dough was a little wet inside when I cut it (after approx 2hrs out the oven) I'd like to know if this is normal.

The dough was impossible to score as its such a high hydration dough so I'd like to know what to do about that as well.

Here's the recipe is used (although I subbed in more wholemeal flour for extra flavour):

by uncannyilyanny


  1. Anton_Pannekoek

    Did you let it dry on a rack? If you dry it on a flat surface there will be some moisture/wetness.

    It looks real good and yummy!

  2. dairyfreefrog

    i think if you waited a bit longer to slice, the crumb might be less “wet”. i sliced my first good loaf after 2 hrs and found it was a bit moist and sticky. i now wait at least 4-5 hrs

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