Hi, not sure if this is the best place to ask, but is it supposed to look like this? Got this from target a few months back and just opening it now.

by alotofhobbies


  1. Moth1992

    Yes but cut it open already, thats well past ready to fruit. Give it a lot if airflow and humidity. 

  2. Ok_Plenty_7663

    It’s probably dead if you didn’t have it in a fridge or if it didn’t have airflow

  3. The-Cursed-Gardener

    Might be dead. Doesn’t look great. You could try growing them by the instructions on the box, but the fact that it’s been sitting g for months wrapped in plastic could have impaired the mycelium. If it stinks really bad like rotting fish when you cut into it I’d throw it away. Mycelium is tenacious and can survive a lot of things.

  4. Mamalion33

    Mine smelled like death and looked similar. I had them in a small portable green house outside. They turned out fine, and then my tortoise knocked it over, and we had a cold snap that night, so they died.

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