Mantu filings
2 tablespoon cooking oil
1 pound ground beef
3 cloves garlic, minced
salt and black pepper
1 tablespoon Coriander Seed
3 chopped red onions
Fresh chopped cilantro
pinch of red chili flakes
Fresh chopped Mint

Lentil sauce
1 Cup yellow split peas
1 or 2 chopped white onions
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
salt and black pepper
1teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon red chill powder
4 cups of boiled water

Yogurt sauce
1 cup unsweetened yogurt ( eg. homemade, Greek or plain yogurt )
Pinch of dried mint
1 clove garlic, minced

MTU a popular afan dumpling dish stuffed
with ground beef fresh herbs onions and
spices steamed to Perfection and topped
with garlic yogurt lenos and fresh
Cilantros for the filling I will be
using my wonderful hack clad
walk add oil to a hot
walk add three gloves of mil
garlic ground
beef 1 tbsp of
salt 1 tbsp of black
pepper grind one tbspoon of cander seed
and add it to your brown
beef followed by three chop red
fresh chopped
cilantro a pinch of crush red chili
flakes and towards the end add fresh
chopped mint and set your filling aside
cool for the lentil sauce pre- soak one
cup of yellow split
fry white onions until they’re light and
brown now add in the rest of the
ingredients 1 tblspoon of tomato
paste 1 teaspoon of
turmer salt and
pepper red Chell
powder along with your boiled drained
lentils add four cups of boiled
water put the heat on a low and cover
the lead Steam for all the flavors to
marry for 10 to 15
minutes to make life easier I’ll be
using store bought dumpling
wrappers to prepare the dumplings you
will need one cup of water and half cup
of cooking oil brush them onto pot with
oil slightly moisten the edges of the
wrapper add beef
filling fold it and seal the sides pinch
two opposite corners and join the ends
together coat the bottom with oil and
place it in the MTU
steam the MTO for 15 to 20
minutes for the garc sauce I’ll be using
one cup of homemade yogurt salt a pinch
of dried mint and
garlic you could also use Greek yogurt
or plain
you will not the monos are done when
they look translucent and
shiny to assemble spread garlic yogurt
on your serving
dish add the
some more garlic yogurt on
top add the lentil
sauce pepper to your
likings dry mint fresh cut
cilantro and ready to
serve no


  1. Very nice presentation of mantu 😋
    For the new generation it would be easy to follow as you explained the process very well 🙏🏻

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