Do you dip the sashimi or the rice into the soy sauce when you’re eating sushi?

by zaprawkasp


  1. lanochetristedh

    I learned that from a friend, she said the right way is to dip the sashimi into the rice.

  2. There is no sashimi on this plate, you’re eating nigiri, but to answer your question, the “correct” way is to dip the fish into the soy sauce as to not compromise the texture of the rice and to not overpower the fish flavor. Remember that it’s okay to ask the chef their preference for the delicious bite you’re about to eat but my personal recommendation is, eat the way you enjoy! There are few “wrong” ways to enjoy sushi!

  3. 0wmeHjyogG

    Sashimi is fish by itself. The nigiri in your photo may be fish and rice but you don’t call the fish part “sashimi”.

    Anyway, you only ever dip the fish. And just a tiny bit. Like imagine just a corner, briefly. Don’t drown it.

    Reason being is that you want to lightly enhance the fish’s flavor, not the already-seasoned rice; additionally, rice dipped into soy sauce can cause the rice to fall apart and become a mess. So just dip a tiny bit of the fish.

    Some other tips – if the fish comes sauced by the chef, you probably don’t need to dip it. And if you have a container of soy sauce and a little bowl to dip, just pour a tiny bit in at a time. You can always refill, but leaving a bowl full of unused soy sauce is wasteful.

  4. playaubuntucm

    Looks pricey, how’s the taste? How much does it cost if you don’t mind me asking?

  5. LieutenantCurly

    You’re supposed to do the fish side but what I do is I take a piece of ginger and use it to brush the soy sauce on top of the fish (it doesn’t leave a gingery taste or anything)

  6. TrueKingOmega

    You’re technically supposed to dip the fish in soy sauce and not the rice. The sushi rice is respected when eaten according to Japanese culture so you’re not trying to combine soy sauce flavor with the sushi rice.

    But that’s just the “tradition”. You can dip it if you want, make shreks swamp by mixing wasabi and sushi, and eat it however you want I guess.

  7. Full_Cheesecake_2793

    Dip that vape into the soy sauce , might taste better

  8. rynbaskets

    If the fish/shrimp/shellfish is already seasoned with sauce like the shrimp or eel in this picture, you so not put it in the soy sauce and eat it as it is.

    Otherwise, you dip the fish part in the soy sauce slightly and eat. I see people put too much soy sauce on sushi here, including my own family.

    It would be easier to eat this way if you grab the sushi with your hand like many Japanese do instead of using chopsticks.

  9. drunkenstyle

    If I’m at a fancy place I don’t dip any into soy sauce, because they’ll already provide you with the necessary sauce or topping to complement the fish.

    If I was at like a kaitenzushi like Kura I don’t care whether I dip the rice or fish because I just want to eat it like I’ve never had food before. But preferably the fish side so that the rice doesn’t fall apart into my sauce

  10. Depends on the quality of the sushi. Good quality sushi dip the fish. Lower quality sushi I’ll do both depending on my mood. Sometimes you just want to be punched in the face with soy sauce.

  11. meowmeowpapi

    Vaping isn’t the flex you think it is bud

  12. Zealousideal_Band_54

    Put your vape away you fucking tool

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