Wild caught Sardines, Pepper Sauce, Cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, lots of purple onion and garlic! I’m new to this and really wanna stick to it for health reasons I’m still uncertain what is allowed!

by candy3991


  1. mostlikelynotasnail

    Mmm. I would just have some whole grain crackers or bread on the side or mix in some cooked quinoa or similar grain.

  2. That’s the second time today that someone mentioned “purple” onion. I’ve always seen them sold as red onion. Is that a regional thing?

  3. TopRevenue2

    For me this would be hardcore. Fishy fish is my biggest challenge on this diet. But for others it’s the best part.

  4. Hotchi_Motchi

    Microwave it at work for bonus points!

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