I have absolutely no idea what to do with this – I’m very new to sous vide and have just done steaks at this point.

I see reference to soaking to remove salt, and also brining. I really don’t understand what I’m reading online vs what I have here and what steps I should take next to cook this and make it ready to serve.

I see this is traditionally served a certain way with cabbage and such – I’ve never had that so I’m not sure if that’s the only way to do it or if there are other ways it can be done and taste different.

I would really appreciate any instructions anyone can give!

by Ill_Illustrator8318

1 Comment

  1. ImissHurley

    155F for 24 hours. I dont typically soak these.

    I bought a ton of these on clearance after St Patricks day and they are now pastrami in my freezer.

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