LOL yes

by Outside-Activity-742


  1. One-War-3700

    Can confirm, I was chewing on your mum last night

  2. WallyLeftshaw

    I’d eat anything if a good chef prepared it

  3. squashed377

    I’d try people if it was cooked like that!

  4. kirito4318

    Mmm that would be delicious with some Fava beans.

  5. Comfortable_Stage783

    i only eat specific kind of girls, very picky

  6. DrasticBread

    It goes fantastic with a side of Soylent Green

  7. Marsupialize

    People who eat well done steak ate lead paint chips and glue growing up

  8. PuffedRabbit

    Once I made the mistake of eating steak tartare in front of my sister in law’s parents. They were absolutely horrified at me being delighted with spoonfuls of meat.

    I’ve been coined the “Cannibal son” by them. My brother has also picked up the term and I fear the day my Niece calls me her cannibal uncle lmao

  9. treve63550

    Only the fat ones. The skinny ones tend to be tough

  10. Wehraboo2073

    What nonsense. I will never eat a fellow human flesh brother/sister. Now come closer I want to take a better look at you, flesh kindred

  11. Character-Storage-97

    yes. It needs to be cooked a couple mins less and for gods sake let it rest

  12. Telemere125

    If by “like this” you mean didn’t rest it long enough and the juices are everywhere, then yes. If you mean it needs to be the consistency of shoe leather and dog shit grey, then maybe stop licking the walls in the old house – they’re full of lead.

  13. 97gravman

    I can’t lie I’ve had the thought every now and then

  14. Did he wash the steak before cooking it or something?

  15. I mean I haven’t eaten anyone yet but it also hasn’t been required for survival at this point in my life so TBD…

  16. cl0ckw0rkaut0mat0n

    A bit overcooked don’t you think? But then again I’m one of those sickos that ask for their steaks blue.

  17. Inside_Opposite5369

    One time I told someone I was having brains for supper and she got all awkward and asked: “who’s brains?”
    Lamb! It was lamb brains. Who thinks it’s people brains?

  18. Die_Gurken

    A little bit of long pork never hurt anyone.

  19. Katayanaz

    I don’t understand the logic. Is it because most people aren’t cooked? Yes, that’s normal.

  20. Freewheelinrocknroll

    Bloody……like fresh from the kill!!

  21. natgibounet

    I Strongly disagree, they only eat 7 months old USDA prime corn syrup bottled, grain fed, grain finished black angus marbling score 8.7+.

    Only odd thing about the picture is the glass of wine, it’s usually diet coke because why not.

  22. customchaos31

    I can confirm this. They never taste better.

  23. mosheoofnikrulz

    I prefer my people same as I like my cows, still mooing

  24. My girlfriend and ex wife would agree with the OP…

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