I attempted Nashville fried chicken as we don’t have many options in Melbourne – kinda missed the mark on looks – any suggestions?

by damoforce


  1. croutonmemes

    It doesn’t look at all like you missed the mark lol it looks amazing

  2. Assholesfullofelbows

    Eat a dick with that gaslighting bull shit “missed the mark”. That’s a 9.985/10 possible points. You fucking slayed it my dude. Would smash with zero hesitation.

  3. TheGrinning0wl

    No, you are wrong. No mark was missed that looks fan-fucking-tastic.

  4. Who cares? Looks delicious eat the crap out of it, take some pepcid and keep the tucks near. Next let us know how it tasted.

  5. HoodieWeather34

    What exactly did you miss? I’ll take 3

  6. Dmonic666

    Yeah you definitely missed the mark. Send all further “missed marks” to my home address for proper disposal.

  7. Noob-Goldberg

    Nashvillian here: you fucking nailed it and you know it. Lose the lettuce. No one has lettuce on this. Certainly no true Nashvillian!They are served piping hot out of the fryer and immediately wilt anything that isn’t a pickle.

  8. Space_Wizard_Z

    Oh, another one of these, “It’s my first time ever making food, be gentle.” posts.

    Your sandwich looks like a chafed asshole. There, happy?


  9. MermaidxGlitz

    Fishing for compliments, eh? Well take em all cause that looks delicious 🤤🤤

  10. CarcosaJuggalo

    I’m pretty sure the only mark you missed was not actually being in Nashville.

  11. FarTelephone6909

    I would say take English lessons so you know what phrases like “missed the mark” mean.

  12. HyperMasenko

    This is the food equivalent of a model captioning an instagram post with “so fat 😮‍💨”

  13. cherry937

    holy mother of christ that looks so delicious


  14. GrandEconomist7955

    I dunno what Nashville fried chicken is all about but goddamn that looks good 👍

  15. osaka-aquabus

    Sexy gyat bragging about how she’s clapped

  16. You can’t make claims like “kinda missed the mark on looks” without stating how.

    You’re gaslighting yourself, why?

  17. iknowiknowwhereiam

    This is just fishing for compliments lol

  18. kemistrees

    this is the sexiest thing I’ve seen all day and I’ve been on Reddit since I woke up

  19. TraditionAcademic968

    This is like a hot girl posting, “Do I need to lose weight/how can I look better?” on reddit. LOL. We know what it is, OP. That looks so good!

  20. SteelDingus

    Suggestion: Send it to me in Sydney so I can *test* it.

  21. twelvethousandBC

    Yeah, you Australians just can’t do anything right can you?

  22. ChocolateShot150

    From Nashville: the looks are great, Nashville chicken should be craggly and weirdly shaped. Lose the lettuce though, that’s weird

  23. No-Transportation663

    I disagree!!! You nailed every aspect of what a good, well flavored NH Sammie should look like!
    If it tastes as hot and zesty as it looks then you did a great job!!! Nice looking sandwich!!!

  24. BayBandit1

    Looks delicious to me, albeit a bit oily.

  25. BlaakAlley

    It looks amazing I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about

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