Actual Reubens

by Wonderful-Shallot451


  1. NoDadSTOP

    I’m loving all these Reuben posts. Both fake and real lol

  2. It’s not really a Reuben without the kale and pineapple, but you do you.

  3. veilofmaya1234

    Wasn’t that an anniversary idol judge?

  4. Servile-PastaLover

    Bonus points for the marble rye.

    I live in flyover country, and most people don’t even know what that is.

  5. bookish_sub

    omg please please clean your equipment and countertop

  6. Warren_Puffitt

    You need to see the vegemite oozing out the sides.

  7. halapeno-popper

    Yeah, those are good but I like mine dough fried powdered and filled with jelly.

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