Homemade strawberry shortcake is a delightful spring and summertime treat that you can easily make from scratch. Flaky, buttery biscuits are loaded with sweetened whipped cream and juicy strawberries — simply sublime! Strawberry shortcake is a beloved warm weather treat composed of a melt-in-your-mouth flaky biscuit topped with a generous dollop of cloud-like whipped cream and sweetened fresh strawberries. It’s the best way to take advantage of the season’s bounty of fresh berries!

RECIPE: https://preppykitchen.com/strawberry-shortcake/

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hey I’m John canel today on preppy
kitchen we’re making a classic delicious
strawberry shortcake so let’s get
started first off set your oven to 425
so it is scorching hot and now in a
large bowl we’re going to measure out
four cups of allpurpose flour that’s 480
G perfect my scale’s done to sweeten
things up I want 1/4 cup or 50 g of
granulated sugar pour that right in and
to Puff things up 1 tblspoon of baking
powder these short cakes are Beyond easy
to make and basically foolproof they’re
not called short cakes because of their
height short refers to the texture I
also want a/ teaspoon of baking
soda don’t forget a teaspoon of salt so
short is actually the opposite of chewy
like a shortbread shortbread and
Shortcake are both going to dissolve on
your palette they’ll break right apart
it’s the opposite of a chewy bread which
has that stretch and pull from the
gluten give it a good whisk if you’ve
never had a Shortcake is basically a
sweet version of a delicious flaky
biscuit so the best of biscuits with a
little bit of sugar so it’s more on a
dessert level it’s going to pair
beautifully with our mated strawberries
and whipped cream all mixed up and now
we’re going to set this aside and gather
our wet ingredients together now in a
medium bowl or large measuring cup we’re
going to crack one cold
egg add a teaspoon of vanilla I’m going
to give this a really quick whisk just
to break the egg
up if I added the buttermilk in before
mixing the egg you could have like Globs
of egg hanging around it could just be
really difficult to mix it up now it’s
time to add 1 and 1/4 cups of cold
buttermilk add that right in give this a
mix look at that egg incorporating
nicely set this aside in your fridge so
everything stays nice and cold if you’re
making this on a hot day like in the
summer when strawberries are in season
things can warm up really quickly so
into the fridge you go go ahead and grab
one cup of cold unsalted butter and
we’re going to cut it up into little
cubes by the way if you’re like oh my
hands are weak or like you know maybe
have a thus or something and cutting
butter is not your favorite thing to do
my only hint to you would be to use
European style butter which is so much
softer because it’s more butter fat
there’s less um milk solids and water in
there all cubed up and ready to pop into
our flour add your butter into the flour
sprinkle it in so it’s not one giant
Clump and now either use a pastry
blender or your Clean Hands to mash it
up into little pieces you want your
butter to end up being roughly the size
of peas at the largest just work it
together with your thumbs this is one of
my favorite things to do when I’m baking
cuz it’s so relaxing and tactile I
prefer using my hands just because it
gives me control over all the pie sizes
sometimes those blenders can go a bit
wild and everything ends up being too
tiny which means your sweet biscuits or
short cakes are going to be a little bit
less fluffy than they could be these big
lumps of butter are going to turn to
steam in the oven and really puff those
Shortcakes up and give you a lovely
texture butter makes everything
better by the way if you like my videos
go ahead and hit that subscribe button
there’s two new recipes every single
week tons of shorts and always something
delicious around the corner and if
you’re making this on a hot day go ahead
and pop this into the fridge if you
notice the butter is getting too soft my
ice cold hands however don’t need that
step so we’re going to grab our cold
buttermilk mixture out of the fridge and
get to combining so now using a spatula
or Fork you’re going to fluff things up
and move it along as you drizzle in your
buttermilk mixture and you’re going to
mix until you get a Shaggy dough and
I’ll show you what that looks like just
move it back and forth and get this milk
mixture distributed before you have to
start really going T now we’re halfway
there with very little
mixing whenever something is supposed to
be short or cakey as opposed to bready
you don’t want to over mix that’s going
to activate the proteins in the flour
and it can lead to horrible things
happening your delicious baked good will
come out of the oven looking perfect but
as it cools those proteins will contract
and then it’ll become shorter gummy
dense and it won’t even taste the same
it’s a sad story all around moral of
which is not to over mix right everybody
I’m going to grab a fork too and just
move things around gently cuz your
spatula can get very wet and you still
have these dry pockets that’s pretty
good this is a Shaggy mixture here it’s
coming together kind of but like in
weird clumps and there’s flour in
between that means we’re almost ready to
form these Shortcakes up there’s one
step though and that’s to pop this onto
your counter and work it by hand quickly
briefly quickly and briefly mean the
same thing sprinkle your counter
generously with flour this is going to
be a very wet messy mixture and now
we’re going to dump this out and using
well flowered hands which is also
important smush it together and we’re
going to work it really gently into a
cohesive Mass so it just needs to hold
together so like a squish lift Squish
and if you have any parts that are like
extra flowery just find a wet part and
it’ll stick
together one or two more squishes or
needs once it’s a nice cohesive MK go
ahead and Pat it into a 1in thick disc
so just Pat Pat Pat the enemy of a
Shortcake is going to be thin if you Pat
it too thin it’s not going to have a
chance to rise up and there’s not going
to be enough stuff to
rise this will be a strawberry sad cake
our short cakes are ready to cut grab a
3-in circular cookie cutter and we’re
going to get to work it’s a good idea to
have a little bit of flour on the
counter and just you know flow your
circle cutter every time you cut you do
not want to seal the edges of this so
you’re going to press straight down
don’t twist now I’m going to add a
little bit more flour to my cutter just
so it’s nice and powdery and if it gets
gunky wipe it off it’s very good so they
don’t get stuck you’re going to have
extra dough and you want to get about
eight Shortcakes from this so go ahead
and just smush it together cut side to
cut side so it sticks more flour and
give it a cut the last few Shortcakes
you make won’t be the most beautiful but
they’ll still be delicious so go ahead
and make them anyways do not waste this
delicious dough and this little scrap is
going to be my treat when they come out
of the oven so I can nibble on it if you
don’t want to eat these all right now or
you want to make some for later you can
freeze these pop them onto a plate let
them freeze solid then transfer to a
freezer bag and you can bake them from
Frozen just adding a few minutes because
they’ll be much colder unlike cookies
you actually want your biscuits to be
pretty close to each other so scoot them
over so they’re about 1 inch apart this
should help them rise in the oven evenly
now we’re going to grab 2 tablespoons of
cold heavy cream and just brush the tops
not the sides of our Shortcakes this
will give us a really nice golden finish
and glue for what’s going on top as an
optional final step before they go into
the oven I’m going to add a sprinkling
of sugar it could be coarse or fine
doesn’t really matter it say for some
sweetness and Sparkle and crunch I’m
baking six of these today the other
three I’m going to pop into the freezer
to have as a treat for later on these
guys go into the oven 425 for about 15
minutes or until they’re gold and lovely
and in the meantime we’re going to mate
strawberries as soon as you pop your
biscuits into the oven grab 1 and 1/2
lbs of beautiful strawberry berries I
would slice these into maybe qu inch
thick pieces because you want them to
stack nicely when you have your little
delicious dessert sandwich if you want
to draw as much water as possible out of
these berries go ahead and do this step
first I would recommend this if your
berries are kind of like those sadder
Supermarket berries not the amazing
summer ones this way you’ll get that
flavorless water out the sugar that
we’re going to add will come inside and
they’ll be extra delicious and if you’re
wondering can of make this with other
things definitely you could use any
fruit you like for the filling as long
as it’s something soft it’s like not
Apple Shortcake but a berry shortcake
that would be delicious Peach Shortcake
M I would love that I weighed out 1 and2
lbs of berries and now we’re just going
to add A3 of a cup of granulated sugar
or 67 G right into the bowl just
sprinkle it over and toss your berries
as you go along if you notice any
berries are stuck together go ahead and
pull them apart with your spoon now
we’re going to cover these up and
refrigerate while our biscuits bake and
cool remember if your strawberries were
a little bit sad just mate them for
longer and they’ll be extra delicious
you could even add in like a teaspoon or
so of vanilla for a little bit of extra
flavor and you go my biscuits are out of
the oven and just about cool they look
gorgeous and smell so good the
strawberries are masterating in the
fridge so now it’s time to make our
whipped cream add two cups or 480 MLS of
cold heavy cream or double
cream right into your mixer you can
always make a little bit more if you
want extra to now we’re also going to
add 1/4 cup or 50 g of granulated
sugar as well as a teaspoon or so of
vanilla mix this on low then go all the
way up to high keep an eye on this
because it’s going to be liquid liquid
liquid done and once it’s done it’s too
late what you actually want to do is mix
this until it’s at a very very soft Peak
and then you can finish it off by hand
it’s the best way to ensure that your
whipped cream will have a wonderful
consistency and just like that it’s all
done it’ll help if your bowl is cold and
your whisk is cold if it’s a hot day
just pop them into the fridge or freezer
okay let’s finish this off by hand and
just like that we have a lovely stiff
peak that has not curdled to assemble
split your biscuits apart they should be
really fluffy with tons of layers pull
apart top the bottom with a big dollop
of whipped cream
M pile strawberries on top add the other
half of the biscuit and finish off with
another dollop of whipped cream and a
few more berries it’s going to be messy
but so delicious look at this lock want
to try something yeah is the Strawberry
Shortcake it is come over here over
there I was licking my lips
cuz which bite do you want you take that
one I’ll take this one
smell three two
M light and Flaky perfectly sweet
Shortcake with all that wonderful
whipped cream and those delicious
strawberries It’s a combination that’s
hard to beat right luck mhm I hope you
get a chance to try this recipe and if
you like my videos don’t forget to hit
that subscribe button and check out my
strawberry playlist bye thanks for
watching and we hope this recipe
delicious yeah all right good job
another bite yeah


  1. Oh my gosh he’s so adorable and John you are my kitchen hero! Thank you for teaching the art of cooking and baking so beautifully!

  2. In this type of application, I grate my fresh out of the freezer butter using a box grater that’s also been in the freezer for a few hours.

  3. Thank you for the recipe 🥰. I'm very excited to attempt to make my mom another strawberry shortcake for her birthday/mother's day. I definitely feel more confident trying this recipe than i did when i first baked her a cake like 10 or so years ago. One thing i have definitely learned for sure, though, is assemble the strawberry shortcake at her house when its time to be served. Last time i assembled everything at my apartment and then traveled over an hour to get to my mom's place 🙈😅. It was melted and messy by the time i arrived. These look delicious, so I'm really looking forward to trying this recipe 😍.

  4. I am 96 and when I was young our shortcake biscuits were always opened and slathered with soft butter before adding berries fist and then whipped cream. Give it a try.

  5. This looks so good I've tried a few of your recipes and they are all so good could you maybe try making salted caramel brownies one day my sister keeps asking me to make some 😓

  6. I made whipped cream using maple syrup rather than sugar recently – HOLY MOLY it was good! 1/2 cup Amber Maple Syrup to 2 cups heavy whipping cream.

  7. I added a little bit of lemon zest to my less than perfect strawberries when I tried this, and it was fantastic!!! I'll be doing this from now on!

  8. why does it annoy me that he's using old beaten up bowl just cause it looks good, when he has bunch of new and slick bowllllls…

  9. Hello! I love your channel! It’s almost Mother’s Day and I wanted to make something special for my mom! This strawberry shortcake will be perfect because she loves strawberries but I wanted to make a pasta dish for her as well! I asked her what kind of pasta dishes she likes and she said, “spaghetti with a red/tomato sauce!” I asked her, “With meatballs?” She said she likes it with mushrooms instead… I was looking through your channel but couldn’t find a video. I’m a big fan! I know other people have videos but I would love to see your take on it! 🙂

  10. I don't think you misspoke: quickly refers to tempo while briefly refers to duration. Thus, do it apace but not for very long.

  11. Can you use a cheese grater on the butter to break it up into little pieces, vs cutting it into cubes with a knife and further breaking it down smaller by hand? 🙂

  12. Your recipes have never steered me wrong! Always delicious and easy to follow. Love your tutorials, they are always perfect and love all the helpful tips and tricks along the way!

  13. Hello @PreppyKitchen! I love your channel and blog. I've made quite a few of your recipes since I discovered them and all with amazing results 🙂 But today I had my first failure… I tried to make your hot milk cake. I followed the recipe as usual and took the cake out of the oven when it was brown on top and the toothpick came out dry from the centre. After a few minutes out of the oven, though, the cake deflated and when I cut it, it was as it didn't raise at all. What did I do wrong? I'm so disappointed with myself! 🙁

  14. Your Recipes are really good and I used to try these Recipes. But one request from my friends and from myself is, please speak less and try to make things little quick. Some people really don't have time but they want to try your Recipes, bcz of your so lengthy process people are opting other channels.

  15. For the best shortcake, the most of the berries should be macerated with tons of sugar to bring out their juices. The juices absorb into the biscuits and it is sooo good. Save a few sliced berries for garnish but mash up the rest with sugar and let them sit for a few hours.

  16. As someone with arthritis, I have found using a metal bench scraper to cut cold butter works a bit easier for my hands.

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