Ordered this portafilter off of amazon for my new Bambino. I just flipped the box over for the first time and caught this slogan. Not my first choice for a slogan I guess.

by triplemint3


  1. King_of_the_Snarks

    At least the brand name is better than *Xyyypgfao*. Points for trying 🤷‍♂️

  2. mediaogre

    And there is nothing charming or romantic about spilled espresso.

  3. Slogan, you say? I call it an acronym! These guys believed SO MUCH in that tagline it became the company NAME

  4. rmourapt

    Typical generic chinese slogan, they end up being funny because most of the time they have absolutely nothing to do with the product itself 🤣

  5. savvanch

    I have the same one! I researched so many and chose this one. I love it!

  6. Korbinian_GWagon

    It looks like the Portafilter dropped into the Espresso. Never happened to me until now… but you never know!

  7. Africa-Reey

    The Engrish is getting out of control. Chinese companies that are producing otherwise good product are putting consumers off with their terrible trademarks. The big companies, like Timemore, Normcor and most notorious of all, MWH-bomber, really should hire English marketing specialists to help with their branding.

  8. Borgoise

    wait ’til you know what “MHW” stands for in MHW-3BOMBER.

  9. Informal-Field231

    Enjoy your contaminated coffee thanks to our improper use of materials – love, your Chinese low tier manufacturer

  10. Barry_McCockinerPhD

    Everything is a dildo if you’re brave enough 🤷

  11. der_plastikman

    Cut the picture in the middle and keep only the right side. Now think again 😉

  12. My life is currently good and romantic, I am looking to upgrade to excellent and romantic, this could be just the thing I need to upgrade to the next level. Thanks for sharing

  13. TechiePcJunkie

    All it need is a quote below “Sit on this portfilter vertically to enjoy max romance” 😂😂😂

  14. tino-latino

    It looks like the porta filter was pulled out of the cup too late🫣

  15. greysnowcone

    Order a range finder for golf from AliExpress, the box had the slogan “full function, more joy”

  16. PandaBearLovesBamboo

    I just woke up. But I thought the image on the right was demon hands reaching out toward the porta filter.

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