Tacos! how’d we do?

by Educational-Ant-8739


  1. AnalAlchemy

    Meat looks great! But my God, those pieces of steak are big for tacos. Next time don’t even cut it up at all. Just throw the whole steak on a tortilla. Then put another tortilla on top and then pick it up and eat it like a sandwich.

  2. DryJudgment1905

    The steak looks like it’s really well cooked, but I’d cut it into smaller pieces if I was going to try to eat it in a taco.

  3. papa8706

    Those pieces are way too big. If you cut them against the grain and smaller and it will be much less chewy!

  4. IndicationOne9528

    Perhaps a different cut of beef like churrasco etc..

    I can tell you immediately my petite Asian gf who is paranoid about being watched eating would have to pass on the on meal as the pieces of steak too big. You could even slice them pastrami style as they look delish.

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