I’m honestly in love with it ❤️

by WorkingPineapple7410


  1. viperquick82

    No shame in it, everyone starts somewhere. I started with a Delonghi Bar32 like 15 years ago, even depressurized PF and somehow rigged a PID on it lol. At the time I thought it was the bees knees and why would I spend more……. than down the rabbit hole I went the years following, from levers, to E61s, modded GS3, modded BDB (still have, runs like a beast).

    For the Delonghi I used a Bartaza Preciso and a SJ that was from a former Starbucks shop when they started clearing their semi autos and grinders out for Superautos. Just had to throw a new burr in. Than 1st real machine was a Crossland CC1 back when those came out like 2011? The Delonghi committed Seppuku one day, literally, just went boom and leaks and steam from inside. So was forced into the rabbit hole lol

    Primarily use modded BDB and HG1 Prime for now.

  2. Psychological-Fox178

    Looks great! Keep in mind, *grinding your own coffee* is alien to most people.

  3. Benaguilera08

    Hells yea. Bambino reg + K4. Let’s gooooooo

  4. Greg1994b

    This is a better set up than 90% of people in the world

  5. miticonico

    Nicoletti! Old school indeed with that arabica and robusta blend. I dig it.

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