Duck Fat Fries

by Teelk3007


  1. explorecoregon

    Duck fat is best fat.

    Where’s the aioli?

  2. threeblindthrice

    giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimme 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

  3. Dante2005

    I hope it was great, but food porn?

    It does look nice, but if fries with cheese is porn…

    Sorry OP, I honestly mean no disrespect, but food porn was about something that was not easily created.

    This is chips and cheese.

  4. Marlenesalon905

    I want to eat it, my mouth is watering.

  5. bizguyforfun

    Honest question…what makes duck fat different? I have a jar of it, in Pantry…My brother and SIL are ridiculing me…how can I make them “eat” their words!

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