Try the Pennsylvania Dairy Princesses' recipe for cannoli dip

Try the Pennsylvania Dairy Princesses’ recipe for cannoli dip

welcome back to the show time for some
814 eats and we’re hitting the kitchen
uh yet again with the Pennsylvania Dairy
princesses welcome back ladies thank you
so you’re going to be putting Rebecca
and I to the test with some Dairy trivia
I’m nervous yes AB what have you got up
your sleeves so our first question is
some of our dairy products contain whole
milk so my question for you is how much
fat do you think is in whole
milk okay Morgan you want to go
first all of it she all of it I don’t
even know I guess I would say 50% so
actually it’s only about 3.25% of fat
which is in whole milk wow but it tastes
so creamy it does okay so that how much
is in 2% then it would be 2% and then y
1% H’s really only three why don’t we
just call it 3% basically 3% yep oh we
should just call it 3% that’s fun do you
have any other ones for us Alexis yeah I
have another question so this also
pertains to whole milk there’s a certain
number of nutrients in it do you have
any idea how many nutrients are in whole
milk I feel like we know this like a
number yes 12 you’re very close add one
more Flav all I kind of remember a
little bit of
coun so you guys are basically saying
Dairy is good for us and in moderation
of course so what are we making today we
are making canoli dip which is one of
McKenzie’s recipes that she
uh had at the competition that sounds so
good how does this go so canoli dip is
super simple it’s only cream cheese
cottage cheese a little bit of sweetener
with our confectionary sugar and vanilla
and then we add chocolate chips for a
little bit of fun to make it taste like
a delicious canoli I submitted this to
our Royal Dairy recipes book sponsored
by Allied milk producers so thank you
Allied okay so we want uh what are some
specific things McKenzie like the room
temperature or yes so for ease of
cooking you want to make sure that your
cheeses are at room temperature because
as I’m sure you guys know if you have
cream cheese and it’s cold it’s not
ideal for mixing up it’s really thick
and it’s tough so we did the whole bar
which by the way I do think Philadelphia
cream cheese is the best I might be
partial it is and then ricotta cheese
does it matter the percentage um well
you just want to use one um two cups of
ricotta chees excuse me but yeah and
that’s usually we wouldn’t eat ricotta
cheese right out of the container but
it’s common cooking so yeah hey I like
this this is kind of a deconstructed
canoli cuz you’re dipping it is yeah yep
oh yeah and getting the sweetness in
yeah so how do we get the sugar okay y
suar one and a half cup of confection
can you say that one more time Emily one
and 1/2 cups of confectioner sugar just
add a little bit of sweetness y so the
nice light fluffy sugar yes
sugar so did you ladies already do the
taste test oh of course we did yeah so
when you submit these recipes so each
Dairy princess does submit a recipe into
the book can viewers um easily access
that Emily they’re available we have
them like uh with us at events and stuff
like that people can pick them up that
way I don’t think they’re online or
anything on there yeah you can visit
your local Dairy princess you should
have some well I actually found it also
at that Allied milk Pro um so I could find that are
you ready to blend absolutely here do we
have a blend dance L new here we go mix
it up mix
nice so pretty thick I think she’s thick
pretty thick you’re probably going to
have to mix it around but as you blend
it up when you finished you can add in
your chocolate chips and then you’ll
just fold them around and when you’re
finished blending you should get this
and we have some
so when you submit the recipe it’s not
like anybody’s recipe wins an award or
is that how yes really we had two recipe
shoutouts and I’ll let them explain so
so at the beginning of our rign as
County princesses we each submit I think
three recipes that contain at least two
ingredients of dairy and we I think
someone tastes tastes us them for us and
we Jud how they like them and we get a
placing based on how we do and Emily was
our runner up with her best pumpkin
mousse recipe delicious it tast like a
pumpkin pie without the crust delicious
well I love too cuz Dairy you can make
it sweet or savory that’s right
absolutely okay are we tasting yes what
would you recommend I almost feel like
with the so you have what are some
options to go with the canoli dip so
these are Teddy grams Teddy grams are
just delicious they’re very crunchy and
sweet we like in my family we like to
use crackers because it gives you that
canoli consistency but you can put it on
anything you come in oh
yeah I’ll dunk one of these let’s see
I’m going to go for this it’s like a
cookie ladies do you want to join us
ABS I love a good canoli so I’m excited
to give this a try really Che to the
princesses and um to all the the farmers
and everything let’s taste a
little oh my God I know isn’t that good
yes M we just made our own canoli
that was so much easier than I thought
mhm just a few simple ingredients that’s
delicious wow if if more people want to
like follow you or somebody watching
wants to get involved with the
organization and the promotions team how
do they go about doing that yeah you
just have to find your local Dairy
princess organization you start at the
county level and you just have to have
some sort of um connection to the dairy
industry whether you’re related to a
dairy farm or work on a dairy farm
anything like that wonderful
or I’ll add to that you can promote as a
junior promoter if you want to run for
princess and we are on Facebook and
Instagram at pad royalty wonderful and
we also have the website well and
of course it’s so important to you know
advocate for the farmers that we have
here in this amazing State and you know
the dairy industry why do you guys like
doing this why do you think it’s
important absolutely I mean you know 99%
of all dairy farms in Pennsylvania are
familyowned and working on a dairy farm
myself I really see all the work that
goes into it you know so it’s just
really important to advocate for the
people that might not get all the
support that we think they need it’s a
way for us to give back yes and what is
the best way for people to make sure
they are supporting local dairy farms
making sure that you see the real seal
which makes sure that is a real dairy
product and Code 42 ensures that is
processed in Pennsylvania so there are a
lot of local Dairy Producers so you can
make sure that you’re getting from the
right company and if you can’t find the
42 there is a PA preferred and a mark on
so look for your
check support local uh Alexis McKenzie
and Emily you did such a great job and
we will have this segment and recipe
posted on our website thanks so much for
coming on ladies thank you for having us
still ahead we talk to

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