2 minute vs 2 hour chocolate mousse recipe

The girls and I compare a classic chocolate mousse recipe that takes 2 hours to be ready vs an instant chocolate mousse recipe! They were both pretty good in their own way but had very different ingredients!

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Full recipe / write up https://barrylewis.net/recipe/2-minute-vs-2-hour-chocolate-mousse-recipe/

2 minute cookies vs 2 hour cookies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXzOTfOtseA&feature=emb_title

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#barrylewis #chocolatemousse #recipe

hello that was my line
i’m a little bit sad because today
actually the girls are going back to
they’re going back to school on monday
maybe getting emotional
it’s not on monday yeah you’re not going
back to school monday
wednesday and thursday yeah i’m going
back on wednesday she’s going back on
anyhow off the back of our last video
which was
two minute cookies versus two hour
cookies which two hours
were luxurious and today we’re doing two
minute moons versus two hour moose yes
chocolate mousse uh there’s actually an
even quicker chocolate mousse with just
water and chocolate but
we found a mousse that seems quite fun
that you can make in two minutes they’re
supposed to be sensational
versus your standard actually quite a
nice gourmet one for a very well-known
chef so we’re gonna try that
and just put them up against each other
and see which one is better and whether
it’s worth waiting that two hours or if
you can get your hint
moose hit in two minutes
so yes that is precisely what we are
doing today uh we are going to start off
by making the two hour long mousse most
mousses musai take two hours or so in
the fridge to set but the other one at
the end
is instant so we’ll save that right at
the end we’re gonna get started
uh phoebe go get a bowl chloe there is
some chocolate in the microwave behind
please could you take that chocolate
unwrap it
and dismantle it into pieces it’s not in
the microwave it’s by the microwave
right we have got our chocolate that
needs to be broken up into pieces all
so we’re going to bung it in the
microwave for 30 seconds and stir it to
melt it okay
they’re like little bumpulumpas like
they manage themselves
and everything now it’s brilliant it’s
30 seconds blasts
so um officially really we should do it
on a bain-marie which is some simmering
water in the bowl
uh stirring it round so that make sure
the water doesn’t touch the bowl to melt
it but 30 second blast in the microwave
is so much easier
all right look at that melted chocolate
they’re like mesmerized by the chocolate
it’s like one of those things like a
fire sometimes steric like
oh it’s very relaxing all right we need
to leave that to one side to cool down
so maybe just put it
over there just at room temperature as
long as it’s still melted but now
we’re gonna whisk up the eggs now these
aren’t your normal eggs
do you know what this is no this is a
of egg whites like loads of protein in
it loads of super strong people healthy
eat them
never seen that before oh it’s like a
carton of eggs and i thought well rather
than just actually
buying eggs and separating them and you
can do loads of recipes with egg yolks
i’ve showed you that before with any
leftovers but
i thought oh you know i’ll buy one of
those crazy carton things because
actually by the milliliters it tells you
like a couple of milliliters is each egg
well we’ll work out we need seven egg
whites i’m like
i don’t feel like mucking around with
egg yolks today are these exactly
exactly seven eggs in here no there’s
about 20. that’s the equivalent about 20
eggs in a carton i thought it was
brilliant so
i think we used these once or twice in
the past and uh yeah
so just for reference it’s still from an
egg it’s not like some crazy egg
like chicken that lays an egg with just
whites in it right okay okay
i should totally have told them the
opposite so we need about seven so we
need about 250 grams of the pot
there you go instant chicken in a bowl
the gourmet recipe we’re following
rather than using cream of tartar which
is what i normally use to help stabilize
uh when i’m whipping up egg whites
they’re saying to actually use the juice
of a lemon so we’ve got the lemon gadget
yes you scoop out a quarter of a
straight into the egg white boom and
apparently that will help i’ve never
done this before why don’t you just pour
the whole lemon
because that will turn it into lemonade
oh it’s sort of turned though
it’s on turbo i just said make sure it
was on a low speed off camera
all right we’re looking for soft peaks
you can be the peak investigator
are these soft are they good they are
luxurious they’re looking good aren’t
they we’re gonna make it more glossy now
by adding in sugar you want to get it
it’s in the scales behind you
and i want you to start whisking thieves
and you’re gonna add that in in two
batches all right
so we’re gonna keep whisking that
through now until we get nice glossy
stiff peaks oh yeah
i’m happy with that are you yeah see how
glossy it is as well yeah
our egg whites are ready all right so
here’s our melted chocolate okay it’s
still slightly warm and what i want you
to do
phoebes is probably good for you to do
this one for now take about a third of
those egg whites
and push them into the bowl with the
chocolate and that goes
yes and it’s really important not to
that’s perfect not to over whisk it
see how we’ve got all that air in there
that we’ve driven in if we over twist it
it would go like
like watery all right so that’s in there
that’s all we need to do is get it
initially incorporated and then
we slowly fold in the rest of the
meringue in blobs okay so we take a
scoop out
like this boom and then we like
fold it in okay so we try and keep that
air in there
and lift it through okay guys you’re
gonna do that together as a team
yes team moose yeah and apparently
if we do this stage too slowly if that
chocolate was too cold and we start
doing this that chocolate could actually
seize so we’ve actually got to do this
step fairly swiftly
so whisking it whilst it’s still
slightly warm
and then getting those fruit as quick as
possible all right okay
all right i think that’s ready yeah it
looks really foamy
it does didn’t it that’s great we have
not over mixed it
and you have just made apparently a
gourmet chocolate mousse
you’re happy with your moose sis is it
yeah happy with your mousse but it’s not
the whole point of this video is we
gotta now wait at least two hours
the other mousse just before this is
done because we’re going to put these in
the fridge for two hours now
we’ll just quickly make that a pattern
it’s ready in a flash and it actually
uses some different ingredients
close the fridge then and you know what
whilst we wait for the set
i’m going to show you my hidden stash of
shoelace collection
since 1982.
best guys that’s not a trick i don’t hey
yeah hello it’s been nearly two hours on
yeah what game are you playing portal
nights on the nintendo switch
brilliant very specific great um right
uh so it’s basically you need two hours
time to get out the fridge very very
excited for that uh
this in this tub right here is pretty
a kit for making an instant chocolate
apparently then if you guys can see that
we have some cocoa powder
we have some salt we have some icing
sugar okay aka powdered sugar
the only thing that gets added to that
is some chilled
uh double cream aka heavy cream now what
we’re gonna do
we’re going to pour the cream into the
tub we’re going to put the lid on
and seal it and then you’re going to
shake it like a madman or mad woman or
mad girls
mad whatever you want to be mad pugs mad
yes we’re going to shake it like crazy
make sure it’s completely like
clamped together made sure i didn’t say
that s word then because
that way that’s gonna act as what you
would be doing with whipping up the
cream to thicken it together and make an
instant mousse in the pot
excited yes if that doesn’t work we’re
going to whip it up by hand with
electric whisk which should take about a
minute to anyway
all right yeah let’s do it all right so
this is some cream that has been in the
that’s right thank you chloe you’re
welcome it’s chilled okay
we want it chilled and make sure that
this tub is
clean clamp it down clip it in
all right so shake that like a mad
just keep shaking it
tell you what you are the perfect person
to do that chloe you gotta
shake it vigorously meanwhile ow phoebe
you and i are gonna do exactly the same
but with an electric whisk in a bowl
just to make sure
just in case that doesn’t work you gotta
keep doing it
you need to be shaking more than that
it’s gone into like a ball
was it a ball oh that could be the
mousse yeah
well open it up then have a little look
come on i need to start oh my gosh
that’s supposed to be it that is
supposed to be the moose
i mean that has potentially worked at
least give me a chance to make mine all
you just keep shaking it away enjoy
yourself we will enjoy
all right i’m gonna add the salt into a
bowl four tablespoons
and six teaspoons of icing sugar
keep going guys a little bit of cream in
not cheating work smarter not harder
and the great thing is because the cream
was cool to make it whip
easier it’s basically cool straight away
so you can now eat it
immediately which one’s the best well
that’s not a bad effort guys considering
you didn’t have a big appliance to use
you’ve done it you’ve done a good job
mate let’s try it it’s not as bubbly as
actual moves but
yeah but like it’s got like the
roughness of it
as well this is like the great british
mousse-off well the foam off the french
foam right is that what we said
foam or what is it froth right there
more froth
so chocolate froth that’s what we’re
looking for that airy texture which is
what we drove the air into the two hour
one didn’t we
yeah right oh look as you cut into it
that’s what a moose should be like you
see the airiness that texture
the chilledness oh
yeah that’s it that’s good right yeah
delicious bubbly
bubbly delicious rich dark
wholesome but also light that’s the
airiness right
yeah it does look like a mousse didn’t
it yeah whereas this
looks a little bit more churned like
that it’s more creamy obviously because
we just drove
it’s basically dyed whipped cream isn’t
it looks more like mud but it looks
bubbly it does
yeah it’s got a little bit once you cut
into it i’m not gonna eat it yet but
look if you when you break through
you do get that sort of airiness to it i
don’t know what it will taste like but
i’m not a big fan of like
dark chocolate even though that one yeah
that had dark chocolate in it
but it tastes lighter in color but then
that had
um cocoa powder which is darker as well
so you could use milk chocolate i guess
oh wow oh that one
actually taste no no no no
no where are you going
they are two very different things
that’s i don’t know if it’s more
you’re washing your mouth out is it that
bad maybe it’s a little bit too strong
then yeah
not too much kick it melts in your mouth
that way
this one do you all right well you have
that one this one’s my favorite actually
if it’s down to taste i don’t know
they’re just two very different things
aren’t they taste
but then texture i’m gonna try again
yeah sort of deeper and richer and
stronger whereas that we used
a much more intense chocolate i think
the airiness that we’ve drove in there
with all the egg whites just sort of
balanced it out and lightened it
i’m just loving it point
point point okay three
two one this one really
you like the nice driven two-hour one
phoebe and i like that one yeah
you can literally just taste the cocoa
powder that’s what i think
i want in a mousse i want it to be rich
i want it to be intense i want that
oh you can just taste in your mouth is
dark chocolate it’s all horrible then
this one
thank you so much to all the suggestions
um for the two day two week we’ve got
your two week suggestions come in for
different recipes so if you’ve got any
other ideas do let us know we actually
enjoy making this
this actually has a bit of like a an
icing vibe to it for a cake
which is why i think i like it so much
because i like the cream and the
chocolate and the icing sugar
this one’s actually like a frosting yeah
but i think the real final decision
should go to mrs barry
aka mother moose who has not been here
for this whole procedure to see what it
looked like to taste all that other
so basically you can put all the
pressure on her sound good
yeah all right thanks for watching guys
bye bye
check your level player no matter what
your style the kitchen’s for me simon’s
mustache goatee maybe all three
it’s mrs moose hello mrs moose
hello i’m not going to call you mrs
barry anymore
mcqueen mrs moos okay how was your date
very good thank you did you expect to
come back and taste
chocolate mousse i was hoping i was
gonna come back
so was i not sure it’s going to work but
it has
okay one of them has been cobbled why we
got the wrong one
we did have some nice ones in there it’s
all right i don’t mind okay
right now taste both of the mousses okay
and let us know which one you think is
okay so that’s one that’s number one
what do you think that’s very nice is it
very nice
i’m sorry that’s me sorry hi jean
hi jean
i know analysis by mrs moose this one is
like a
like a buttercream consistency
or like icing for a cake kind of thing
yeah all right
which one do you think is two minutes
and which one do you think’s two hours i
think that’s two minutes and i think
this is two hours
yep correct that is right i prefer
this one i prefer this one too me and
daddy like this one
expensive taste instant divorce i love
well done all right phoebes well we’ve
got loads of that stuff left
we shall dine that is nice we’ve got
loads of this toy
mrs moose has spoken by the expensive
wait your time do your time definitely
pop them in prison
bye bye


  1. May it be that Chloe and Ms Barry are super taster with more taste buds per sq. inch on their tongues? Super tasters are very sensitive for bitter notes. You should count it with a scale and a magnifier…

  2. Barry is relegated to the part of the host with the lamest jokes and getting facts wrong while the kids do all the work

    shows an instant hit

  3. I have a recipe thats halfway in between both. Melted milk chocolate and whipped cream, whip it up, set in the fridge for a few hours

  4. That second "mousse" was just how you make cake frosting. It's not mousse at all.
    I hate to say it, but Chloe might actually have a more sophisticated palette than you or Phoebe. Just wait until she has more adult tastes.

  5. I make the two minute mousse all the time. If you add one large egg white to it before you whisk it, you'll get a much lighter and fluffy mousse.

  6. I think this is the first time in over a decade that I've seen someone other than me make mousse with meringue instead of whipped cream. It's so much airier! If you want intense melt-in-your-mouth chocolate, you want whipped ganache; the whole point of mousse is the foam.

  7. 11:28 "I'm just loving it", she says, as she shakes her head "No". Which is it then? Love or… not. Which are we to believe? Hmm, people don't realize that what they say may be contradicted by their head movement…

  8. To make "fancy" mousse, you should add the yolks to the chocolate, and also add whipped cream to the mixture. Much better results.

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