School lunch prep for the term

This should last my two kids most of the term for lunches and morning tea. It goes in the freezer and I take out an item each day and just add fresh fruit and veg to accompany in their lunch box.

  • choc weetbix balls
  • shortbread
  • fruit salad muffin bars
  • cheese and Vegemite scrolls
  • instant noodle muffins
  • hot dogs
  • ham and pineapple pizzas
  • egg free brownies
  • spinach and ricotta triangles
  • sausage rolls
  • muesli bars
  • finger buns

by kazcar


  1. Scelestussum

    Ma’am I’m gonna need you to post the recipe for the weetbix balls

  2. Scelestussum

    Thank you so much, I’m gonna make the fuck outta them!

  3. psychopaticsavage

    This looks like an overweight person’s mean plan.

    Literally every food is beige bread, except additional cookies and cake.

  4. 1nf0rmat10nAn1mal

    I mean I’ll take the diabetes if I get to eat this every day as a kid. This looks like a children’s birthday party spread

  5. Kriss1966

    Surely that goes stale before they get through it ?

  6. heyitsdawn

    What are the smurf peepee looking things?

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