Cast Iron Wednesday 05-01-2024: Cast Iron AMAA...and Cornbread!

Tonight is the first Wednesday of the month, and tonight on YouTube Live we’ll be having our monthly AMA(A) (Asm Me Anything – Almost) discussion of cast iron! And that includes the bounty and loot seen and acquired last weekend at the National Cornbread Festival. But not only is it the first Wednesday of the month…it’s the first of May – May Day and the night of Walpurgisnacht, as it’s celebrated by many folks. And tonight on YouTube Live, we’ll be celebrating May Day by having fun with our cast iron cookware. What’s more, in addition to discussing any topic related to cast iron, I’ll be unveiling and using two new items…the Lodge “Year of the Dragon” skillet, and the new Lodge cornbread mix. So come over to YouTube Live tonight at 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time for cast iron…and cornbread!

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watch what I’m doing saying again like this hi there welcome everybody to cast iron Wednesday this is a long running tradition that a number of the smaller YouTube cooking channels have been doing for the past several years basically on Wednesdays uh we all uh throw ourselves a video with cast iron in it uh because you know it gives us an excuse to have fun uh cooking or talking about or cleaning cast iron uh because well what can I say cast iron is as far as I’m concerned the best cookware in the world and I’m more than happy to have any excuse to use it and I can I can think that a lot of other people probably feel the same way because the cast iron Wednesday has been going on for quite a while uh I am getting close to uh the foure mark in fact of doing these live videos somehow um in that it and that will happen in fact this coming August so we’re talking only about uh three more months oh man boy does time ever fly uh but I’ve really enjoyed the uh doing this live each Wednesday or almost every Wednesday uh largely because of all the people who have been kind enough to show up here on my channel I mean thank you very much to everybody who’s been kind enough to well to subscribe to my channel and who regularly uh come by here for our chats here on Wednesday evenings um because uh there are quite a few names that I certainly do recognize here uh when they uh when they when we H get started here each Wednesday I mean I could say hi for instance to piporn and hello to Cynthia wesling Pat Z and hello William Hurt thank you once again for the uh you know for the chaos needles let’s call it uh and and hello as well to Jen Belen welcome welcome to this channel I can only hope you enjoy yourself I do my best to entertain when I do these videos here on Wednesday okay and rocket cabber and Jose Latias hi it’s been a while and Rich quals and uh bets and hello bets and cyy uh Sydney fabar and hello Terry CP as well and Corey Clark H a few new names tonight that I’m very glad to see I always love uh saying hi to new people so thank you very much to for coming to this channel where as you can see uh I’m going to be talking about my booty tonight um no not that kind of booty don’t worry this is not that kind of a channel uh but rather I am in fact talking about loot namely the uh loot that I managed to gather uh La over the past week on my trip to the National cornbread Festival uh the this of course is the annual Festival thrown each year at the end of April by Lodge cast iron in their hometown of South Pittsburgh Tennessee and full that I am I have U this is uh it’s been s several years in fact since I’ve gone but last week I actually did it I made the 16 or 1700 mile round trip here from New York all the way down to South uh to Southern Tennessee that’s a little more than 800 miles each way and somehow I managed to survive I saw a lot of great sites I and and the festival is really a lot of fun uh I don’t know if the festival itself is worth traveling 800 miles but uh that was only because I was having an excuse really to go on a road trip but it’s certainly worth it to get there with all the food and all the people and the music and of course the cast iron uh in that I was browsing through antique malls all the way there and back and really I didn’t get anything from the antique malls even though I saw some really good sites including some things that I were very strongly tempted on and yet I still ended up with another boatload of cast iron it seems to happen just every every time I go to the National cornbread Festival I just can’t help uh succumbing to Temptation and hello Rick stumo as well um yeah and uh TI really oh you’re talking about your clock yeah congratulations on that clock as well but uh here as I mentioned uh I’ve got I ended up picking up some new cast iron some of which I was absolutely stunned to be able to discover and that’s way I guess I should start off with the probably the most amazing score I’ve had in at least the last year and I still can’t believe I managed to get this and I should mention as well this is courtesy of the Facebook meet and greet uh that uh was held uh last Saturday evening and that a lot of people from the Facebook cast IR Community were kind enough to uh come to the festival and show up there at uh in a hotel parking lot on on Thursday on Saturday evening rather where we all said hi to each other you know in person instead of on Facebook and a number of us brought along our toys to show off because well that’s what we wanted to do some of us did some trading and some of us did some selling and this is why I absolutely am stunned and will probably be stunned for the rest of my life at this those of you who U know anything about vintage cast I know why I’m so excited about this because yes indeed this is a large lid all right but it’s this is a large Arc logo lid which indicates right there that this is over a hundred years old and as such that in itself makes it definitely a very special piece of Lodge cast iron not to mention the really amazing and unusual design of the of this lid especially the handle uh which I don’t think anybody has ever done since Lodge did did it in those days here this is quite the handle on on this lid isn’t it this is is all in one piece by the way this entire thing was molded in one piece or maybe while the iron was still hot maybe they stuck this extra piece into these holes here and uh let the iron cool and seal that way I’m not that familiar with their process that doesn’t seem unreasonable uh because if you look on the bottom of the lid you’ve got all the basting spikes which are which have been typical of Lodge for their entire evening um for their entire lifetime rather however there is no sign whatsoever of um any markings from from this handle so it’s not like they drove the handle they drove screws in on this side or anything at all that indicates that uh as I said that that they put anything at all through this lid in order to put this so either it was cast all in one piece which would have been Incredible or the more I think of it it’s probably more likely that they just did that while the iron was still hot and mol and they probably took the second piece and simply stuck it in there for it to cool off but yeah look at this it even has a raise number eight on the lid so and and um and in case you’re wondering yes in fact it is still the same size number eight that Lodge has been making for their entire uh lifespan let me pull a piece off of uh my uh rack right now uh let’s see here is the 2018 made an America Skillet uh that Lodge uh yeah that Lodge uh did that year it is of course a 10-in skillet and here is the Vintage lid and as you can see W I’m not sure if you could call it absolutely perfect but it definitely fits and you would definitely have an airtight uh lit uh seal if you were to uh cook in this so uh this is really and you better believe that’s exactly what I’m going to be doing with this lid this is something that you’re that I can guarantee you’re going to see a lot of this vintage lid uh in future uh videos because I definitely intend to get a lot of use out of this so yeah thank you very much for the per to the person who is kind enough to sell this to me at the uh at the meet and greet last Saturday and yes I’ve already forgotten the name I am terrible at remembering names uh even though I recognize names here on my on my chat it’s like matching names to faces is just something that is really really difficult so if you want to remind me who you are please do and I will be very grateful but I am especially grateful for this for this amazing lid here and that’s only the start of the things that uh we have uh that we have to talk about here the lid to the right of the screen looks like a sand dollar oh yes you’re talking about this other piece this one I actually bought at the lodge Factory Store and this is something I’ve had my eye on for quite a while and this was definitely an excuse to get it this is in fact the lodge smoker Skillet because yes you see these slits here in the lid well get this they’re also slits in the pan too so this is uh this is a number three size typical 6inch Lodge Skillet however in this case U it was probably molded like this I don’t think they actually drilled holes in the in the pen it was probably molded like this uh and it’s designed to do just that to do smoking right in your oven in that you can preheat this lid and you know this Pan and the lid to a decent decent um temperature you know 300 to 400 degrees and then you uh take your wood chips and you put them in there uh I’m not I still have to look up the directions as to whether or not you need to actually uh use a fire to set these or if you just simply use that hot lid to um you know this hot metal to start smoking it but yeah once you do once you have this thing ignited you put this back in your oven and you can smoke whatever you are cooking in the oven so yeah I’m I’m definitely looking forward to uh using this too um this was one of the many things of course they had there at the lodge Factory Store and those of you whove been to the lodge Factory Store know just what an incredible place is that is if you are a u you know if you’re a cast iron user of any kind so yeah H cast iron with honey badger I use my smoking Skillet to smoke veggies on the grill nice and so yeah oh yeah exactly well the smoker is available of course from log’s website uh but I as I said I went I made sure to get that in person you know to avoid the shipping cost because that is you know that is a just how it how it is uh for the record although as I said as well this is the monthly Q&A session here uh in that we’ve I or we’ve kind of made it a tradition for the first Wednesday of the month to be basically one where you throw questions at me and I do my best to try to answer them and you can answer them as well so feel free to ask pretty much anything you want about the about all of these pans or in fact all of these pans or really any cast IR subject that uh you are U you that you want to talk about because that’s especially what this night is for Harry SF when using that smoking Skillet remember to take the batteries out of the out of the detector oh gee Terry I have no idea what you’re talking about since when has my smoke detector ever gone off in my kitchen so uh Amish visit um Amish visit I’m not sure if uh that was me that you’re talking about uh rich because I’m not I don’t remember uh going any place specifically Amish uh I did visit the UTS Potato Chip Factory in Pennsylvania I’m not sure if that’s what you mean about Amish um oh yeah picture of me and CIF oh yeah of je of H Jeff Jeff Rogers well yeah Jeff has been a friend of mine for more than 10 years we’ve uh known each other uh on the on Facebook for longer than that and he was the first Facebook person I was kind enough to meet or he was kind enough to meet rather me at the uh National cornbread Festival way back in 2015 in fact that was the first time uh we actually met at the cornbread Festival I met him and his family and they have G and Jeff goes to the festival every year in fact uh here’s yet another piece that I am not going to forget uh then this is the 2015 cracker barrel uh castar and skillet they’re American seal Skillet with the seal you know the Great Seal of the United States on it this was made in 2015 and this in fact was a gift given to me by Jeff Rogers that year he gave that to me as a gift at the cornbread festival and I was very very grateful for that uh so yeah I am definitely going to be keeping this pen uh for the rest of my life not just because it is a really really nice design on it but also so because it is as I said it was a gift and it is definitely something special and yes those of you who know this also know that last year cracker bell released the same thing in a 12 inch size I did not get it because well I already have this design here and I already have a couple of 12inch Skillets too so um so yeah I mean that at least I can definitely say made it easy for to me for me to uh say no to the Cracker B Skillet last year and yet here I am talking about resisting temptation whereas on my way down it seemed like I couldn’t H I couldn’t resist temptation again at Cracker Barrel and I ended up picking this one up even though I really don’t even think I’m going to be using it because here it is the maiden America Skillet that uh from a Cracker Barrel this year which if you’ll notice is the first cracker bell Skillet to prominently have the lodge logo on it uh this is almost certainly oh dear I only just noticed this has a pinhole on it technically now two pin holes wow H you know I didn’t even notice that until just this very moment here so you know technically this should could even be a large seconds pan well that’s all right the second pan of nothing are just work just fine here but still um this in fact um as I mentioned before already is that this is basically the made in America Skillet that Lodge released about three years ago and in fact they still sell it at they sold it right there at their factory store right next to the Rosie the Riveter Skillet in fact so however for Cracker Barrel they did change the uh font design of the made in America logo slightly and you know thinking it over I think that might actually be a bit of an improvement at least aesthetically or at least I think so so as such if you don’t already have a made in America cast iron skillet this would not be a bad one to get especially since you can get it a Cracker Barrel and you don’t have to uh pay the shipping cost for ordering it off of Lodge’s website but even so I got this even though I have like about 15 number eight Skillets and I really uh it’s like more like because I succumb to Temptation than anything else so I’ve more or less decided that I think I’m going to Simply keep this as is for about a year and then next year I might very well do a giveaway and give this away as a prize or maybe sell it I don’t know yet we’ll know what happens next year but still uh because you know next year because these things are almost always sold out by the 4th of July so um after that they well some of them have come collector’s items already like the libert like the walking liberty coin skillet for instance so who knows next year as I said I will uh well I will arrange in some way or another to give the skillet away and I’m actually uh going to be looking forward to that so we’ve only just begun talking here haven’t we oh yeah I hope I I want the 12inch great skill Great Seal Skillet can’t even find one on eBay well well I guess that’s a good sign that people like the design of that so that’s actually uh that’s actually good to hear and I guess rocket C I can only say good luck on the hunt that smoking Skillet is not for indoors says Corey Clark to which point Cynthia Wesley says he’ll find that out fast yeah I suspect I will we’ll see what happens then all right I’ve worked in the area Rick Great Seal I meant yes and and everything and everything else we’re getting ready for another wash out too oh you’re talking about rain I guess well I’m sorry to hear about that it’s actually Pyrex bowls are popular now so is lot so is Lodge making them too um I have not seen any sign of Lodge doing glasswear or enamel wear well no no no they’re definitely doing enamel wear but I doing glass wear or bowls or anything like that they for instance they do sell glass lids for their Skillets but I am about 100% positive that they actually those are actually made by a third party and for Lodge so I’m because it I mean consider the effort that it would take to build a whole new a whole new either Foundry or the proper Machinery or whatever it is to do glass blowing and glass manufacturing so you can bet that if and when they uh if they do any kind of expansion into things like glasswar that they would produce a large line of those kind of things which is also why of course they’re putting a lot of uh you know promotion into their USA enamel cast iron pans because they did they built themselves a whole new enamel Foundry uh especially for making enamelware so um in fact I asked them myself weekend and I did a short video on it if uh they plan on doing any other enameled skill any other enameled pans besides the one they have already released for their USA enamel line and they said well we’re considering it which I suspect is probably going to be yes so what we will see from the USA enamel line I’m not sure uh I don’t think they’re going to do full enamel dishes themselves because I think that would Quire a completely different or or an expansion or something of their existing equipment and since they’ve just since they’ve just constructed it and put into use more likely we’re going to be seeing a lot more enamel coated things like probably enameled Skillets for instance that’s uh one that’s certainly one possibility so buy old P Pyrex not the new Pyrex evidently the new is different glass and breaks when you take it out of the oven so I’ve heard um I’ve heard about that I was told Pyrex blast is more valuable and better quality if the Pyrex font is in all caps lowercase font is made with less quality glass anyone know if that is true I have not yet done real Research into that I have heard that Pyrex change did change their uh formula recently but you know it’s entirely possible that they may have been forced to do that kind of like the way rubber made was forced to change their product especially to satisfy Walmart the story of how rubber made was almost forced into bankruptcy and W by Walmart is pretty well known essentially Walmart because Walmart has such clout they went to rubber no Rubbermaid went to Walmart to try to sell their product in in Walmart and Walmart said well we’re going to sell it at such and such a price and you and you are going to to sell us this at such and such a price and Rubbermaid said we can’t meet that price that just that you know that exceeds our cost of production we would be at a loss if we produced it for you and lot and uh rubbert and so um Walmart said well top you’re going to sell it to us at this price or we’re not going to sell your product in our stores Rubbermaid tried to hold out for a while but believe me without the exposure from selling at Walmart especially since Walmart has their own brand of plastic wear as you know the Sterilite brand uh yeah uh Rubbermaid soon found themselves approaching bankruptcy so they finally caved into Walmart and they did that by opening a separate uh plant in Asia especially to produce their uh their uh plastic much cheaper and I know there are other companies that have had to uh do that to meet the market demands today so if in fact Pyrex changeed their formula that may very well be a reason so if I’m speaking in defense of Pyrex I guess you could say that anyway uh Cory Clark I was lucky enough to get my mother’s pirx collection and her two cast iron skillets well that’s nice and yeah tell us what kind of Skillets they are Walmart and Amazon don’t get along no they don’t thank goodness for that because competition in the marketplace is good for us the consumer we all know that all too well that monopolies pretty much mean higher prices for us look at the cable company for instance uh the town I’m in here in the Binghamton area for instance actually signed an exclusive deal with um uh who is it Spectrum for uh highspeed internet so that means if I wanted highspeed internet here in my town I had to go with Spectrum or nobody so I had to go with spectrum and those of you who have spectrum’s internet well yeah you know how it is I’m I’m still glad I can actually get some kind of streaming uh from that anyway uh huie and Katherine and Kev do you have an omelet skillet they’re usually small with angled sides uh oh yeah those are very useful although I I think the onlet Skillets usually have the rounded sides as opposed to that uh I did score the 2024 Heritage flag Skillet Saturday looks like the 2019 um the 2019 oh Heritage flag oh if you’re talking about the Cracker Barrel um I’m trying to remember what the 2019 was I’d actually have to look that up back unmarked number five Wagner and number eight small logo grisal 704 nice Pyrex is the true Bora silicate glass maker while Pyrex is the company with bought out the rights to the name from what I know the original company no longer exists but the modern is still being sold well that’s actually sad Lou J I’m sorry to hear that but if you’re if you’re if it’s the truth well then it’s the truth I guess you solved your computer trouble no actually they haven’t even looked at my computer it’s still in the shop after two days so I’m kind of frustrated about that however I do my streaming on a separate laptop fortunately so e so even though my video editing software is all on my desktop computer at least I can do my streaming here with uh No Interruption uh we might be neighbors on the side yeah three and a half inches of rain on Monday ouch sorry to hear that and hello Rick stumo as well anyway so far we’ve gotten a far as as I mentioned uh two or three cast iron pans but there are a couple of others as well uh yeah as I said I succumb to Temptation why I went into Cracker battle and I’m not sure if I regret it or not because you know that made in America Skillet is a nice one and furthermore I found a couple of other items on their discount shelf I mean I and I was surprised to see these at a 70 70% discount that for instance is really about the only reason why I got the uh 6in LOD it’s a lodge Yellowstone Skillet with a very highly raised Yellowstone uh logo on the inside of the pan so you know that means if you were to make pancakes or omelets or something with this you would definitely when you turn it out or even cornbread if you turn it out you would unquestionably have the Yellowstone logo on it so that’s pretty interesting so and what’s more this this had and I still have the price sticker on it as you can see it has a price of uh $15.99 full sale yet I got this for five bucks so I figured it would be worth it for that price and again I’m still not sure what I’m going to do with it maybe I might sell it because if I even sell it for 10 bucks well there you go I get double my money back um so that and that in itself might be a deal especially since I understand Yellowstone is a pretty popular series I’ve never watched it as I said that’s the only reason why I got this was because of the bargain price um but still it is a nice large 6inch Skillet on the other hand we’ve seen this one for the past couple of years usually at Christmas that’s why I was also surprised to see the SpongeBob Skillet or as somebody called it and and kudos to him SpongeBob SquarePant so yes uh this was on sale at cracker bell for $270 C so yeah that’s why I definitely picked this up I might just simply hold this in the Box until Christmas because there we go bam Christmas present I mean what were they selling this for last year um there’s no uh there’s no price sticker on this but what were they selling this for at wherever they were selling this Big Lots last year were they selling this for $10 were they selling this for $12 so yeah under three bucks so what can I say I succumb to Temptation which means I’m going to have to put these things into storage until I can finally um get a use for them so that was cracker bell and yes I definitely succumb to Temptation what can I say I have the yellow um why not make pancakes in that pan yuck yuck yuck so anyway uh yeah those are some of there I’m still not quite done because there’s one other one that this one I definitely plan to get and I am very very glad and I am going to be using this one too this is well Lodge designed a real Beauty here because when when they uh opened up their Museum of cast iron here’s what they made for it the lodge Museum of cast iron um uh cast iron skillet and get this I mean besides the fact that it’s got the Museum of cast iron logo on it it’s a hammered Pan the first hammered pan that Lodge has made in what decades they’re obviously doing this as a tribute to all of their history because not only is it a hammered pen they’ve got three notches on the heat ring although interestingly enough you’d have to hold it this way for it to be at the uh 3 9 and 12 Mark uh so yeah it’s this it actually has the the original Lodge hammered uh design on it so yeah even though it’s me coming to Temptation I planned on getting this one when I went out there I certainly did not want to miss it and I heard a rumor which may or may not be true that the original run of these hammered Skillets is the only one that Lodge has planned to do when they run out of this Museum Skillet supposedly it’s going to be gone maybe they’ll design a different Skillet then perhaps but nonetheless this in other words this is well obviously I presume it’s going to be a collector’s item but I did not get it because it’s going to be a collector’s item I got it because I wanted it one other thing about this that’s also an a a nod to history this is not an 8 inch skillet here’s an 8 in Skillet here is the 20th anniversary National cornbread Skillet in fact and you can see this is quite bigger than an 8 inch Skillet in fact you know what size this is it’s not an 8 inch it’s not a 10 inch it’s not a it’s not a it’s five and it’s not an eight it’s a number six size yeah you know the unusual size that Lodge uh Lodge had produced over the years and oh is the seasoning coming off on it no that’s not seasoning that’s actually okay I can see that’s just from the last time I cooked with it but anyway here is a vintage number six size Lodge cast iron skillet three notches in all and this is the exact size as the number six exact all the way down to the handle I mean the I mean this is defin they definitely took their number six logo um mold or pattern and used it to make this uh Museum Skillet as you can see I’m comparing it to the number six Skillet and it is the exact size number six was always an unusual size for Lodge I shouldn’t say rare but it was definitely out of the ordinary and so yeah here is in fact their latest and possibly the first number six skill that they’ made in decades definitely their first hammered skill that they made made in decades so yes this is in fact the lodge Museum of cast iron skillet and boy am I glad that I picked this up as I said I wanted it because it was the well just that I I’m glad to have it for and yes I’m going to use it too I’ve said enough times I don’t want my users to be just display pieces I’m sorry my cast aren to be displayed pieces I want to use them well one thing about the number six size pan it’s 9 in in size that makes it a perfect pie plate so yeah at some point or another I will definitely use this for making a pie as well as all of the other great uses you can get from a cast iron skillet so I am uh quite happy with that and let me see about what comments we might have already uh howy B’s and and B’s and G’s running late tonight kiddo graduation for GED well so congratulations black cats rules um as well Val’s black cats rules and hog while cast IR restoration nice to see you scrubbing pans before the storm hits yeah exactly more magic in them orphans than in the pure breads okay unfortunately you can’t order it from them oh really uh can’t order it from them which one are you talking about oh are you talking about the museum Skillet so you’re saying you cannot order it online well that’s actually interesting in that case somebody’s going to have to make a trip to the large Museum especially to get something get that uh skillet for somebody here it’s not going to be me I just finished a 1600 mile round trip but surely there are some people in the area who might be able to help you out uh Jose Latias I still have my hammered Skillets oh yeah I remember those the ugly hammered ones well I’m glad you like them and I’m hoping that you’re getting some good use out of them too Lodge’s SEC C iron IRL honey badger Lodge’s second section is amazing did you get a 2024 cornbread Skillet I had to break a bolt loose from my neighbor changing his oil missed some of the show oh well I’m sorry to hear that uh okay yes the I went to the second section I got an 8 inch Skillet in their second section especially because uh one of my friends asked for one she wanted me to specifically get her a smaller cast iron skillet she has a 10-in skillet she wanted a smaller one so I went to the second section and got an 8 inch number five Skillet and I already gave that to her yesterday but I can always show off the 20th anniversary uh number five Skillet because that’s basically you know this is in fact the same size um however I did not get a 2024 National cornbread Skillet why not get this because this year the 2024 National cornbread Skillet is a 10in skillet a number eight size Skillet um and yet they was still selling at the same price I think that they’ve been selling it for the last few years it was 20 bucks at the festival 20 bucks for a nice souvenir 10-inch cast iron skillet especially since these days at Walmart they’re selling a 10inch um the 10-inch Skillet goes for like 20 bucks so that would have been a good deal but didn’t I get it because how many number eight Skillets do I have already I need another 10-inch Skillet like I need a hole in the head yeah says the guy who already admits to buying the Cracker Barrel uh 10in Skillet okay yeah I know I know I succumb to Temptation with the Cracker Barrel Skillet and I have not been collecting all of the cornbread SK uh Festival Skillets and fact I had a couple of other cornbread Skillets and I ended up selling them a few years ago I am keeping the 20th anniversary uh Skillet uh because you know it was the 20th anniversary and so and I was there and it was nice to be there for that I do know they’ve since done a 25th anniversary Skillet and for those of you who have a 25th anniversary well good you know years like that does make it a special collector’s item but I do not regret passing on the number eight or the 10in uh 2024 cornbread uh Festival those of you who have a cornbread Festival Skillet are probably feeling the exact opposite because you’ve got yourself an awesome 10-inch Lodge cast iron skillet get some use out of it I do have one other 10-inch Skillet that I still have to talk about um and I think I’m just about done talking about my cast iron oh yeah no here’s one thing here’s a mistake that I made H from the uh cornbread festival and I think this is the last one I didn’t even show it in my photos this is another thing I bought at the uh cor at the uh in the second section A large deep 10inch Dutch oven which is fantastic right I know hey yeah no this is a great Dutch oven yes it is my first Dutch oven was in fact exactly one of these the lodge 10 inch however I made a mistake by getting this why because well really because of this because of the tenage because of the Vintage Arc logo lid you see it’s like this I got this on Saturday night and I was thrilled and then it afterwards I was thinking to myself you know what I’ve got three Lodge Number Eight Lids now and I don’t need three number eight Lodge Lids so what am I going to do well I think I will sell one of those Lids the modern I had correction I had a modern day lodge 10-inch lit 10inch LD now you’re not going to get a lot of money for a modern-day Lodge 10-inch LD in fact I bought that 10-in lid for five bucks at a yard sale so I’m thinking you know what I’m here by the second section what if I got an an relatively inexpensive Dutch oven so that you could sell that lid and the Dutch oven and I could probably sell the combination for I don’t know 30 bucks or so and so I went and got this and when I went back home I looked for my modern-day 10-inch lid I couldn’t find it and I just realized I had completely forgotten I sold that 10in lid last year at a flea market I set up a flea market stand last year to get rid of some of my extra cast iron and that was when I sold that large 10inch lid oh I mean I have a vintage large lid uh I have a large lid right here in fact which does not have the large logo on it and it has the 10 and a quarter and and the number eight size on it I’m not going to sell this I use this lid but I had forgotten that I had sold that other lid so now as a result I had bought this to go with that lid and I didn’t have it so I really should not have bought this I didn’t I shouldn’t have done it I didn’t have a need to but now I’ve got it so I’m going to have to figure out what to do with this so yeah that this was the one real mistake I made at the cornbread Festival I’m am not regretting anything else I am not regretting getting the cracker bell USA Skillet because as I said in a year I will take care of that I’ll give it away or sell it I am not regretting getting the SpongeBob skillet for less than three bucks the Yellowstone skillet for less for only five bucks and I am definitely not regretting the Museum of cast iron skillet so yeah I’m going to be using the I’m going to be using this and I’m going to do something with these two probably end up selling those too so but that would that Dutch oven yes I I regret getting it all right anyway your inventory is not registered properly in your head yeah tell me about it Jose Latios that’s my bad and you know somebody commented on my cast iritis video If you use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of your cast iron you might have have cast iritis well you know what I might need to do that so that I don’t make mistakes like this I mean I prided myself in having a good knowledge of my collection I mean I remember things like this like as I said I mean I know of course I got this in person at the 20th at the uh 20th anniversary at the 20th uh cornbread Festival this lodge number six lid lid this lodge number six skillet I bought at a flea market in uh Midstate Massachusetts a couple of towns over from Brimfield uh that was the year I went out looking for a vintage Lodge Skillet because I was doing a video and I needed a vintage Lodge skillet for it in particular and I happen to stumble across a number six which I thought great okay but see I remember things like that I’m proud of myself being able to remember things like that or the fact that um let me choose another one here um this was a Brimfield find this Wagner number four for instance I know that I got it at Brimfield I do not forget that but yet I forgot that I sold that Lodge lid so yes that was still my mistake okay I used to not remember until something comes up missing yes exactly Cynthia Wesley that’s exactly what happened to me I use the memo app on my phone to keep track of what I have handy out in the store Jose laas I never even I never expected to have 10 pieces of cast iron I now have over 150 pieces and I know I’ll add a few more yep that’s cast iritis definitely and I’m sure your family probably says that too uh your walk shovel did you say in your Tik Tok video you restored the shovel in your Li tank what is your shovel made of I’m positive that is a carbon steel uh walk shovel uh because it definitely can rust it has rusted a couple of times already and I’ve since been doing my best to take better care of it so I would say that is a carbon steel one especially since it was definitely made in Asia and of course carbon steel Walks from Asia are the the best walks in the world so yeah you can bet it’s that’s it’s a carbon steel walk shovel to go with that carbon steel uh to go with their carbon steel walks and by the way I don’t have a carbon steel walk because I’ve got a cast iron walk which I think is also the best walk in the world but we’ve gone over the differences between the large cast walk and Asian light walks before that’ll be a subject for another time okay but anyway that is what the uh walk shovel is I made my cast iron channel so my kids would know what my cast iron collection is and what the dates are yes exactly honey badger actually if you’ve got a cast iron Channel I’ve got to subscribe to it I had I had I didn’t know you had that yet so I’m definitely gonna have to subscribe to it can’t um handsome Stone working on my bought for sold for books so if anything happens wifey won’t sell them for what I may have said I got them for oh yeah you heard that joke too haven’t you well I guess they’re here that only that dang gone BSR number six Red Mountain ouch are you saying you had a chance to get a number six and you missed it oh that hurts Cynthia sorry to hear that H tell your wife to sell her shoes just kidding let’s see the walk um the walk is actually on the stove and it needs to be cleaned right now because my guests used it to make a stir fry tonight and that’s perfectly fine I’ve mentioned that I have house guests and I’m going to be having house guests for a while and I told them outright that yes they can use my cast iron they do freely use my cast iron and yes they do clean it up too it’s only that we haven’t had the chance to yet because I’ve been preparing for the live tonight anyway um you can look on my channel you will see many videos of using the C The Lodge cast iron walk so um yeah please put in the channel name so we can find it honey badger yes please do although I’m guessing that’s Pro I’m guessing it’s simply your name there the one that says cast iron with honey badger how do we win tickets to to be a house guest well Rick uh to be absolutely honest you have to be a close personal friend for at least the past 15 years and you have to have been here when I went through some uh pretty traumatic uh life drama that I don’t talk about on the internet so so it’s got to be uh really something special all I didn’t know it was that rare uh number six red mountains well yeah actually uh on the bsnr Facebook group The Good bsnr Facebook group that is the one that the one that uh I’m on with Jason Walker and I know Cynthia’s on that group as well um for a long time they weren’t even sure that a number six Red Mountain existed this was several years ago though since then there have been several of those specimens discovered so yeah that Facebook group is responsible for for uncovering a lot of knowledge I owe that Facebook group an enormous debt for uh for uncovering the knowledge that I’ve been able to use on my web page so thank you very much I have not stolen anything outright I promise but uh the knowledge is there and I’ve done my best to make use of it all right you met dubs oh that’s traumatic um okay no I’m not saying anything there okay no touching the cast iron I thought about breaking fingers for that yeah I did a short video about that one of my cast iritis videos as well here’s a good deal for you Rick D you feed the Bears one time and and I’ll have you over for a month to recover your food bill that sounds about right okay however we are getting late here already because there is one other thing there’s one other piece of cast iron that I’ve acquired recently not at the festival however uh those of you who have been watching my channel know which one I’m talking about I brought that cast iron piece to the festival anyway and I showed it off in a showand tell last Saturday and yeah I’m pleased to say some people were kind of impressed by that it’s not not that I’m bragging but I’m definitely glad to own that piece because yet again I succumb to Temptation so what I what have I said enough times about all my pieces being users rather than uh rather than just uh show pieces well that’s why I’m taking care of right now today is MayDay the Feast of Val perus knock and and all of that it’s a special day so for that I decided to get out a special pan dedicated to the year 2024 and I and I removed the the label from it so there goes the collector’s item yep I’m talking about the Year of the Dragon Skillet the one that I managed to uh acquire from uh from Taiwan of all places so yes that pan is right now at this moment heating up in the oven uh in fact it’s definitely heated up in the oven and because it hit 400 Degrees before this thing started so it’s been like that for the last 34s of an hour because I very much intend on celebrating Mayday today by using that good old P by using that Year of the Dragon Skillet and in fact I’m going to be doing that by using another piece of booty that I got at the cornbread Festival cornbread mix Lodge’s newly released cornbread mix uh I figured now would be a good time to show off that pan as well as to test out the large cornbread mix this particular one is the sweetest honey cornbread mix too I mean um yeah Lodge has several different uh kind several different uh selections for their cornbread mix including a uh an unsweetened Southern uh cornbread don’t worry but they also have this one sweet as honey and the fact is I’m a born and breed Yankee there’s no way around it so yes that means I like my cornbread with sugar so yeah okay I can watch people turning off this Channel right now when I say it yes I make sugar I make cornbread with sugar and I had wanted to spend maybe the next uh few minutes or so putting together uh some uh cornbread here so that we will have this ready when this uh when this live is over so yeah that’s my link thank you for letting me share the channel yes exactly I’m more than happy for that uh but anyway here in Alabama sweet cornbread is a rarity well there we go then I’m going to be doing something out of the ordinary here but I’ve got my setup right here so that means Let’s uh quickly throw this together because yeah the nice thing is it’s a pre-made cornbread mix which really doesn’t mean that much because in fact I still have to add eggs oil and milk but enough talking let’s get started uh this should be nice and quick anyway because all I have to do is open up this cornbread mix and Bam here are our dry ingredients just enough to make one 10inch pan of cornbread the ingredients oh boy look at it look at this look look at all this dust coming out of this that’s not smoke that’s just dust anyway the instructions on this thing by the way I read them in advance and if you’re going to be doing this you definitely need to do this too uh it does mention from your kitchen you need three eggs um you need some oil and you need a cup of whole milk which is uh what I did so the instructions actually mentioned to preheat your cast iron skillet oh made for your made for your large 10 and A4 inch cast iron skillet so yes it definitely says to use a number eight cast iron pan for this all right uh preheat your cast iron skillet in a cold up now place your cast iron skillet into a cold oven and preheat the oven to 400 Degrees I’ve already done that here we go in a bowl whisk together three large eggs one cup of whole milk and a/4 cup of canola oil that’s a separate bowl from this good thing I did my prep work so um okay yeah that’s right three eggs here’s one here’s two and here comes three this is my first time doing this in the living room by the way I really hope I don’t make a mess anyway here’s one egg two eggs did I just get some shell in there there I think I did whoops okay let’s dig up that shell oh yeah come on come on come on well this is why I’m glad I did the eggs first all right well there’s the shell but now I go the extra there it is okay and good the shell is still here finally number three there we go and no more shell yay so I got two out of three with that Shell at least so there we go to this we do I forgot to pour the milk let me get the milk oh and I noticed the in instructions say milk they don’t say buttermilk I’m hoping the dry mix also contains some buttermilk mix then I should I didn’t take a close look at the ingredients on on this uh on this package so I think I will do that as soon as this goes into the oven to see what’s so special about this anyway one cup of milk try not to spill it I did pre-measure the oil though so this is the only thing I forgot to do one cup of milk oh and by the way this is an anchor Hawking measuring cup not a uh not a Pyrex cup so I’m sure there are probably some things about anchor Hawking going out there as well as Pyrex nonetheless that and here again I don’t want to spill it one4 cup of canola oil I used a oneir cup and did not fill it up all the way so that there would be room and be less likely for me to spill this thing and it seems to have worked and this is about all the hard work too so let’s whisk up our wet ingredients the instructions specifically say by the way to add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients this is why I’m using a second bowl I suppose most people who do this are probably just going to maybe pour the B pour the uh dry mix into this or they might as well just put all of the wet ingredients into the bowl and mix it all together and it’ll work but I did read some years ago some article that actually determined it is a little better to mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and so that’s why I tried to follow this recipe to the letter nonetheless there we are so this is oil um although actually just occurred to me as well since I’m following this to the letter I’m betting you could could probably use butter rather than oil and I’m sure there are a lot of folks who do that but as I said I am just trying to follow the these instructions to the letter just because I’m trying to demonstrate the lodge cornbread mix and see if it’s any good anyway here is our that’s our wet ingredients and then to this we mix it into the dry ingredience and in it goes I’m used to making my cornbread uh from scratch too so I’m not really used to the dry mix I don’t use I’ve you I have use Jiffy Mix I don’t use it very often so anyway obviously we’ve got to get it thoroughly mixed I’m betting you could probably use a mixer here at this point but on the other hand there are probably folks who consider it sailed to use a mixer to mix their cornbread mix sides this seems to be mixing together pretty well just a little bit more I suppose I could even use the Whisk for this but I’ve gone this far anyway there here we go let’s let’s do a close-up in fact if you’d like I just hope I don’t drop this as I said this is the lodge cornbread mix and oh yeah notice it doesn’t say to add honey so presumably there’s dried honey in the dry mix as well as sugar so yeah there are definitely additional ingredients I did not just buy a package of cornmeal that’s for sure anyway there we go and now for the next step here is where it says oops I got a little bit of wet on this don’t want to spill it anyway all right once the oven is reached 400° remove the hot Skillet be careful spray Skillet generously with nonstick cooking spray it doesn’t even say to use oil it says nonstick cooking spray and although I suppose we could use oil if we wanted to then add an additional one tspoon of canola oil to the bottom of the skillet and swirl to coat well that’s interesting I guess they’re not taking any chances they’re saying to use non-stick spray and canola oil okay didn’t plan that in that case I better get my canola oil back out and then from there we pour it the batter into the hot Skillet and bake uh you know for the usual for 20 to 25 minutes but okay I said I was going to follow this to the letter give me a second please because I’m going to need a little bit more canola oil I don’t have a small container of canola oil with me at this time I just have a large container that I have been working my way through anyway now that we’ve done that I think we better clear our workpace so and for that matter I should put this milk back too um all right run back to the fridge one more time yeah wait a second I don’t have to do that because I have to go and get the pan out of the oven so we’ll make this a two for trip all right on the other hand I do have to move this out of the way so that I can put this aside all right so here’s what I’m going to do next I will put these things in the sink and then get that hot pan out of the oven so here we go let’s put all these away these will go in the sink milk will go in the fridge and then here we go all I’m bringing a 400 degree pan into the living room on the on the rug I really better be careful but here it comes heat it up to 400 degrees here and that means ow ow ow ow ow no I can’t show the logo yet ow here’s the Year of the Dragon Skillet all right so from here uh they said spray this with nonstick cooking spray you know I’m betting most of you are not going to take this step and I fully understand because we know that what we’re supposed to do is to add oil it to the skillet and then put it back into the oven but I guess they’re just doing this for the lowest common denominator crowd and I certainly understand that so I am not going to dock them points for that holy cow non-stick cooking spray yeah hello lung cancer I’m kidding okay um then we are only supposed to use about a tablespoon or so of canola oil there we go then we swirl it around this is like Baker’s goop I mean we’re using not just that but also this all right I notice it’s already Brown so that’s something and now that we’ve done that in goes our cornbread mix hey it still sizzles at least Sizzle was not loud but it definitely sizzled because as you know if it doesn’t Sizzle it’s not cornbread or you’re not doing it right so that’s something so anyway for folks who do use uh boxed cornbread mix which is perfectly fine by the way I have no problem with people who use store-bought ingredients um there we go so this is the large uh cornbread mix and now that we’ve done that we’ve got to get this into the oven nice and fast right so back to the oven we go here we go uh got to be careful not to spill this so I’m going into the kitchen right now here we go into the oven there no chaos at least not yet also the smoke smoke alarm didn’t go off either so that’s also good but there we go whoops so that again is here I’ll show this to you again anyway um The Year of the Dragon Skillet which we have just christened or whatever the equivalent of christening is um yeah because yay happy Mayday this is going to be our Mayday celebration tonight uh let me see let me try to get you a nice closeup of this uh of this this pan as well so anyway and just as important here again is the bag from the lodge Skillet cornbread uh this one says I’ll be your favorite your new favorite yeah because it’s a honey cornbread yuck yuck yuck all right I know that’s a cheap shot but as I said they’re obviously making this thing to appeal to everybody because they are selling this at Walmart already it’s a good thing Lodge already has connections at Walmart because they’re able to get their uh their cornbread mix into Walmart like I said about the rubber made uh story earlier today at least Lodge is able to sell their things at Walmart anyway the ingredients enriched wheat flour uh wheat flour uh sugar cornmeal it does have cornmeal in it so it’s a combination of cornmeal and sugar I’m sorry a cornmeal and flour sugar uh cornmeal sugar and honey blend powder which is cane sugar and honey there’s no high fructose fructose corn syrup for anybody who cares about that leavening agent sodium acid pyro phosphate sodium bicarbonate corn starch monocalcium phosphate natural honey flavor and salt so in other words it does actually have natural honey in it contains wheat and contains a bioengineered ingredient okay so anyway this is the lodge um cornbread mix uh I suppose you might consider it to be higher quality than Jiffy but then again obviously that’s what they intend it especially since it does it does it is a little bit more expensive than uh than um than the Jiffy Mix this package in fact was six bucks 5.95 uh although at the festival Lodge was selling it at buy two get one free so especially these days if you know if you’re getting something fancy I guess that’s not a bad price if you want cheap yes you can buy Jiffy although you’d have to get at least two maybe three boxes of Jiffy Mix to uh equal the amount that we got out of this so anyway I said 20 to 25 minutes which means I put it in at a little past 9 o’ so this is going to come out of the oven at maybe about 9 to 9:25 Susie wills it well I hope so all right head chipping for you breaking in a new Skillet yes that’s exactly what we’re doing Ronald uh I have just broken in and I am breaking in the New Year of the Dragon Skillet and I’m definitely going to be using it a lot more than tonight too Susie it’s fun with cast iron night and making cornbread yeah exactly it’s fun with cast iron night how was the corn bread at the festival which was your favorite um okay here’s some blasphemy no that’s not true I did have cornbread at the festival however the truth is I stayed away from the Carney vendors I’m sorry to say I looked at it I drooled over it I did not buy the food at the f Festival why because I’m trying to cut down I’m sorry to say that it’s the truth I am trying to cut down and that means I have to avoid greasy and fatty foods so I’m regretting that I have to say that but I have to say that so I did not get the Carney food there I did get a couple of free samples of cornbread though there were several uh Charities especially their CH their Che the town cheerleader squads giving away free samples of cornbread you know but of course you could make a donation and yeah I did so I got to try some chocolate corn fritters which were good I some jalapeno cornbread um but that was about all I ate so I mean the Carney vendors they have at that place are amazing I mean you could get if well pretty much if it’s fried you can get it there they had fried chicken they had Burgers they had fries they had buckets of fries they had your old bloomen onion they had plenty of those they had plenty of fried dough they had plenty of funnel cakes and the meats they had there they had corn dogs they had sausages they had cornbread sausages they had chicken on a stick they had pork on a stick they had gator on a stick um they were making huge of course huge bags of kettle corn they were making huge bags of pork rindes chichiron I think some of them were genuine uh chich chirons and I think some of them were the kind that you know that you buy in in the grocery store in Dollar General and all that not that there’s anything wrong with those either I mean we’ve eaten those and then they may not be genuine you know they may not be genuine um whatever um pork belly but they’re still pretty they’re still pretty good too I mean what can I say it it is a huge and I mean huge Carnival and it’s a food festival so there was all kinds of food to be had there and no I didn’t get any because I’m trying to eat healthy however if you want to splurge and there was a would be a good place to splurge I am not dissing anybody for buying that stuff I really wanted to buy that stuff I love that stuff oh I love that stuff but oh man was that food amazing to look at and to smell yeah they had turkey legs too so okay uh Corey crusty is good stuff churos they had plenty of that yes they had churos they had Real Deal the real deal chichiron have meat on them well guess what they had that they had the real deal chichiron you can’t have a true old old southern Festival without fried food or barbecue being solded oh they had tons of barbecue this was Tennessee of course they had tons of barbecue that’s what I mean that stuff oh man did that ever look temp thing how could you resist what did you eat yeah I know I made sure to eat in order to make up for it let’s just say that so I’m I know I’m sorry I need to apologize because I tried my best to eat healthy but I still managed to do it nonetheless okay um oh yeah belto I you saw the photos in my that I posted on Facebook on my way there I also visited in Hanover Pennsylvania the UTS Utz the UTS food you know the chips factory because I went to Handover to go to one of my one of the best antique malls in the area and i’ I’ve posted about this on Facebook in Pennsylvania in Hanover Pennsylvania not too far from gettsburg uh yes I did go to gettsburg too but uh the place I wanted to go to Gettysburg was actually closed because they’re doing construction there anyway hover Pennsylvania is a is has one of the best antique malls at least in that area I’ve seen other huge antique malls but this one was a pretty darn good antique mall it’s called the black rose in Chambersburg Pennsylvania some of you may have been to it because it’s a pretty popular place and there were some good cast iron to be found there even some of them were at pretty good prices too so yeah I mean definitely I I’m glad I went and I posted pictures from it I somehow managed to resist temptation again and I didn’t buy anything there but it was still a really good place to visit however only as I was driving driving driving away only a few blocks from it in fact was the UTS chips factory and they have a factory store and they sell huge containers and bags of UT chips and UT pretzels and UT popcorn and and at dirt cheap prices way way cheaper than you can buy them in the store so I made an excuse and I got some stuff there and I gave them away to my friend’s family you know like that huge bucket of cheese balls that they sell at Walmart for instance that was five bucks uh or huge Buck huge bags of UTS uh kettle chips that was two bucks you never see those for two bucks so yeah I’m glad I went and yeah I did my best to resist temptation however I figure it’s worth mentioning just because again we were talking about food at the festival so yeah um how long was the driving time the driving time was took two days on THD between Thursday and Friday I took my time and I did a lot of browsing so my I my hotel in both times was in Radford Virginia which is about uh 500 miles from my home and about 350 miles from the festival so it’s a little more than the halfway point I took my time on Thursday and it took me 12 hours uh to get from my home to uh there which wasn’t bad because as I said I got to see things you know like the UTS Factory and the antique malls and gettsburg and all that then on Friday I left and went to well I did more browsing that was when I visited the Smoky Mountain Knife Works and I mentioned that already as well as I looked through the antique malls in the areas of cville and Knoxville and all that and I saw some nice stuff and somehow managed to resist temptation yeah believe it or not I’m proud of myself because for the most part I resisted Temptation on this trip mostly mostly I did except for Cracker Barrel and and the festival so yeah the driving was good uh it rained on the way up the the trip home was picture perfect sun and then it was hot too so I was driving with the windows down on the way home so yeah this was all a lot of fun that’s really what it all comes down to it was a lot of fun I enjoyed the hell out of this trip I am glad I made this trip because it was a lot of fun not uh not just because I mean I went to a great Festival a food festival I saw the large Factory Store and I saw the large cast iron Museum and they were all fantastic and and and I got this cast iron here which was fantastic and I met so many great people oh how could I forget William herd are you still here I got these yeah will I met William her has been nice guy I met him at the lodge Museum and he gave these to me he’s he’s told me he gave these to me as a gift he had made them on his lathe and I’m very very grateful for these these are very nice ornaments that I’ll be that I’ll be hanging up he calls these the chaos needles of creation yeah I actually remembered that so yeah among this is among some of the great stuff I got at the at the festival so yeah I had a lot of fun I met a lot of great people um that’s probably the most important thing meeting all that great people and having a lot of fun not to mention making this incredible score which I was not expecting at all so yeah I’m so grateful for that you know the more I look at this the more I think in fact this was two pieces they probably took a second piece and stuck it in as the iron was cooling but nonetheless less what can I say this was a great time this I mean it’s going to take a lot to Top This for as much fun as I could possibly have this year the only thing I can think of that I’m planning for this year that might actually equal it is that uh like around maybe Late July or August I’m planning to take a trip to New York City especially to see the met the Met Metro mus Museum of Art my friends and I are going to go there and we’re going to go to the cloysters and the Met uh we’re going to spend a weekend doing that and that I have little doubt is going to be a lot of fun but this was a lot of fun I am so glad I went and I’m glad to be able to talk to you all of you folks about this and I really hope I’m not boring you to death saying just how much fun the festival was well what can I say next year go to try to make arrangements don’t go overboard I mean again I use this as an excuse to go on a road trip I did not specifically go to the National cornbread Festival because you know I’m sure your town has a has one of those City street festivals at some point here in Bingington we have Speedy Fest for instance uh which is going to happen later this year but as an excuse to go on a road trip the whole thing was a lot lot of fun the festival was fantastic I mean the driving was fun um you know it’s driving what can you say most of it boring but it was fun seeing the sites was fun the antique malls Gettysburg uh the UTS Factory the um the other antique malls the Smoky Mountain Knife Works um the factory antique mall on the way home that was all a lot of fun so I am so glad I went I was Plum exhausted when I arrived home on Tuesday evening so exhausted that I just collapsed and I spent yesterday in fact just doing rest and recovery and I’m glad I did too but this was a great trip I mean I lo I loved it so you never give back you never give back oh my dogs are guarding my cast iron really looks like it was fun visiting the lodge Museum looks great plus the factory store yeah exactly if you’re a cast iron user and because you’re on my channel you probably are you would love the lodge store and the museum is a bonus quite frankly but it’s a great bonus so yeah next time I go I’m gonna try to find a way to do either a live video or maybe a recorded video so that of having a nice long discussion in front of that big wall of cast iron at the lodge Museum we there’s so much we could talk about the history of all those pieces there so yeah I’m that’s going to be a plan for next year I’m starting to smell some cornbread and it’s 20 past n um I’m I think I better check it all right let’s move this out of the way and let’s get this thing shall we oh yeah I better get out a toothpick too uh so let’s go here um right now I’m just digging out a toothpick got it and now here we go put on my glove let’s see what we got oh this looks interesting this looks very interesting uhoh it’s not done yet I can tell already it’s jiggling uh let’s try the toothpick oh yeah no this is nowhere near done ow ow ow hot hot hot hot hot holy cow this thing is going right through the glove oh okay that looked great but it is nowhere near done I’m thinking it might even take about another 10 minutes okay so I couldn’t even get it in here to show you I’m afraid but as I said the top was jiggling it was definitely nowhere near done so just got to have Pati okay and they’re beautiful yeah I excited about them oh nice oh yeah Cory I’m sorry to say um yeah my my condolences Corey okay get your butter out not yet for him Morris um but uh it will happen I mean as I said I’m waiting about another 10 minutes so we’re talking 9:30 all right with Honeybadger uh probably doesn’t remember my friend met UBS oh at the festival and they called me um as I said I have got such um problem matching names to faces I did meet a number of great people from Facebook and from this channel here too uh in fact yes Cynthia Wesley has told me already that she is looking specifically for a particular Skillet and I actually had that with me but I didn’t learn that until after I came home so no not this one so anyway Cynthia if you’re here I do believe this is a little dirty on the bottom this is the one you’re talking about the midnight ride of Paul Riv okay yeah I will uh make some arrangements so that we can uh get this to you I don’t know I I don’t know what I’ll sell it to you for I don’t know 20 bucks I guess what we’ll we will Let’s uh talk again after this uh show is uh over all right nonetheless okay where are we at this point sometimes jiggly tops are good but that’s another subject yes it is Rocky cabber not on cornbread how about we just ended at that okay did you sleep with a ghost when your lights were flickering in the motel oh yeah that with those lights yeah that was fun wasn’t it you know I one thing I love about going on these road trips is there’s almost always something quirky about the motel room that I can laugh at like that light for instance on the other hand the my room at the hot at the uh cornbread Festival it was a nice hotel room there were still a couple of things the the handle was half broken off on the door and the door itself was out of alignment to the point where the only way to uh open that door was to really pull hard and you had to slam the door to close it every single time there was no way you could quietly close that door but at least it locked and at least it closed so at least that wasn’t so bad that hotel there what I’ve stayed for at the cornbread Festival is in Kimble Tennessee you know right next door to uh South Pittsburgh it’s only like a five minute drive away so no problem at all there and that area of Kimble Tennessee is interesting because you know if you’re a redneck and you grow up in that town there is nothing you you would not have to leave that town for anything assuming you had a job of course because it has everything a redneck could ever want in his entire life all within one General block of stores we’ve got a Walmart Waffle House um Cracker Barrel um we got a crystal we’ve got a gas station we’ve got uh we’ve got a KFC we yeah and there’s a pizza place too um so pretty much you name it it’s it’s all there oh yeah and how can I forget they’ve also got a giant fireworks store all this within the same area so no matter what you want to do if you want to get stuff at Walmart you’re there you want to at cracker bell you’re there you want to eat at Waffle House you’re there you want to blow something up you can go right there to the fireworks store that place that particular area there is Redneck Heaven especially since the lodge store is only just five minutes down the road there’s also a liquor store in the area too so yeah everything that you can ask for is there okay it’s us Dan and Cindy looking for the midnight ride Skillet yes that’s true Papa Dan I didn’t forget that even though I have trouble matching names and faces I have not forgotten okay all right I know where I’m taking my next vacation yeah Seline 77 star99 you won’t regret it I I I I had a blast and even though the cornbread Festival is only once a year and uh all of the rest of it is worth it at least if you’re a cook or a cast iron fanatic or both if you’re a cast iron lover you can go to the you can go to the lodge Factory Store any time of the year and you will be in heaven likewise if you’re a cook I mean they I mean they’ve got great stuff for cooking there um other than that of course as I said if you want to do a vacation do well do what I did roam through the area oh in fact better yet if you just want to roam through the area you don’t even have to go to South Pittsburgh you can go to sville I mean those of you who’ve been to seille will know what I’m talking about seiverville is like the one of the biggest tourist trap cities I think I’ve seen outside of New York City uh because in seiverville they’ve got everything there they’ve got the they’ve got the Smoky Mountain knif Works they’ve got tons of antique shops they’ve got a giant flea market there they’ve got a large cast iron store right next door to the Smoky Mountain Knife Works all of that great stuff is there in seille so in fact I mean while I mean if you want to take the time and visit the lodge store you’ll love it but at the same time if you just want to go to a vacation in the area there’s seor Ville so there that’s a suggestion all right anyway uh oh yeah cville has Dollywood too oh let me mention something else too of course at the lodge factory store they had a right there when you walk in the door there was their big display of the dolly Skillet of course well I heard from them that apparently the dolly Skillets are a huge hit apparently they are selling like hot cakes they are they’re making money hand over fist with those Dolly Skillets they everybody loves them so that means at least we can be sure that LOD is going to be making those Dolly Skillets for a long time yet which means you got time to get yourself a dolly Skillet and so I think that’s good news all right what are are we now we at 928 maybe about oh SE okay seille or severville okay I hear you bets I hear you bets I hear you bets SE severville I will remember that okay I mean what can I say I’m not from the area I did I have trouble pronouncing it just like folks from elsewhere have trouble pronouncing the towns in Massachusetts you know like Worster for instance or or uh Bill R I had TR okay I admit I mispronounced severville severville severville okay yes I got it wrong I apologize I will pronounce it right from now on okay oh I’m starting to smell that I think I’m gonna have to check it now all right here we go again let’s go and get that cornbread once again oh yeah this looks much much better it was way underdone before but now I think we’ve got it take a look at this folks oh that’s hot give me a second and let’s get a closeup of this here we go now that’s cornbread all right ow hot hot hot that is hot cornbread ouch no that’s a hot pan who am I not kidding all right yeah we got it okay we’re good oh one last thing about the instructions all in one part of the instructions it says remove from oven and quickly run a knife around the edge of the skillet to help loosen the cornbread turn the cornbread out of the skillet onto a cutting board it does not say to let it rest in the pan rather it says let it cool for 15 minutes before cutting and serving so you can actually cut out your cornbread immediately when it comes out of the pan which is what I’m going to have to do and I just realized I forgot a knife let me get a knife and a plate you know a plate would be nice too wouldn’t it okay um and it actually says to turn it out onto a cutting board hey I’ve got a cutting board right here okay then let’s just get the knife all right uh here’s the knife all right here we go that means just dropped my glove okay well let’s try to do this right shall we all right run a knife around the edge well that’s looking pretty good all right move this and one two three it’s sticking seriously okay you gotta be kidding me oh man the stuck badly all right nuts wouldn’t you know it the first time I made this stuff and it’s stuck okay all right oh yeah this stuck this stuck badly in fact I’m G to have to stick something under it before I can flip it over again ah nuts but you know what folks this is what I get for following those instructions and not doing it the way we normally do it so I’m going to have to take that into consideration now what am I going to do now um that’s what we’ll do here’s a tray all right well that’s actually interesting I mean after all I followed those instructions right to the letter I did have to cook it for an extra 10 minutes but you look at this here’s a piece that that came off already ready in fact let’s try eating this that’s not bad okay what do I do now um oh yeah turn it back over there it is well okay at least it’s all cracked now but at least I still manage to get in one piece okay yep brand new pen I will disagree there rocket C I have made cornbread in a brand new pan before but I did it the way that you’re supposed to do it you know where you uh use oil you heat up the oil and then you um and that’s how you managed to uh get a non-stick skillet in this case I’d have to say that baking spray did not work but here’s only my first this is only my first time trying this let’s see maybe I’ll try again fool that I am maybe I should have waited a couple minutes before before turning it out even though it’s said to turn it out right away maybe I should have waited a couple of minutes so you know what let’s try this let’s see what happens now shall we and it fell apart so much for that yeah this thing definitely stuck no question about that oh well H I’m a little disappointed but not really upset because what can you do yeah bottom of it is a little oh hot a little bit burned I think what this means is the next time I make the lodge this is getting hot this is getting hot the next time I make the lodge um cornbread mix I’m going to try doing it my way you know the recipe I’ve been using to make cornbread for years definitely dark on the bottom too m yeah it’s very slightly charred on the bottom but on the whole it’s not that bad so anyway here’s our cornbread what can you do we can eat it that’s what we can do and that’s what we’re GNA have to do all right but there we go okay pour chili over it yes exactly fried cornbread just about could have been the spray that made it stick you know that’s certainly possible go with full synthetic next time all right now like I said the next time I’m going to do it the way I normally do it and um just simply instead of using my regular mix I will use the uh Lodge mix and we’ll see how that turns out that’s going to have to be a cooking project but pretty soon I don’t know maybe tomorrow um I might be able to do it tomorrow tomorrow I have to mow my lawn for the first time this year but maybe there will be time after that to try making more cornbread nonetheless there we go so what can I say let me move this up a little bit so that there you go folks this in fact is my story of my trip to the 2024 National cornbread Festival complete with some burned cornbread at the end but on the whole I’ve enjoyed myself tonight because I got some great stuff and more importantly tonight I’ve had the chance to talk with you about all that not to you but with you so thank you very much because this has been a lot of fun I’m really glad to have been able to show off these things especially since you’re going to be seeing a lot more of this lid in the future I can promise you that we’re going to be seeing a lot of this good old large lid here this is going to be something special and well now we’ve got to eat some cornbread tonight but most importantly as I said I’ve had a chance again to uh well spend it spend an evening with you folks so thank you very much thank you everybody for taking the time to watch here as I rambled on and on and on about the festival and about castar and about this Lodge mix you know if the second one turns out that even though even if I try it a different way I’m not so sure I might just simply go back to making cornbread from scratch who knows but even so let’s do it okay and it’s our time now as it is we are getting on with it hello Southern uh Vermont grown really or VT grown I have an odd piece of cast iron is there a place that can help with figuring out what it is is old Japanese sign oh that’s interesting um I we have seen Japanese made pieces um there’s my Facebook page cast iron chaos there is the cast iron cooking group on Facebook there are several groups as well for uh one called cast iron identification and much as I may regret saying this there is a Facebook group called Cast Iron Experts as you can see I’m a little reluctant to name them but I will name them and I’m not going to say any more about that however as I said if you want to look me up on Facebook um again you can go to my Facebook page cast iron chaos and I’ll do my best to help you um and then of course there’s the The Cast Iron cooking group on Facebook which as you know I’ve been a member of since the beginning so those are two great places to visit if you want to try identifying cast ir and I hope that helps but nonetheless as well to everybody else too um the Cleo we were rewarded with last minute chaos yes exactly that you got some chaos after all how about that what a surprise maybe you could find a 100y old pan for that new old lib yeah you never know maybe it might give me an excuse to start looking for an arc logo Lodge to go with the lid or heaven forbid maybe even a dutch oven you know you know like the one that I bought at the cornbread festival and that’s about the only thing I regret from this trip but even so yeah thank you as well to Cynthia Wesley and yes thank you I’m glad I made it back safe and I’ll be talking to you about that that uh that uh Skillet Jim F Well yeah this is exactly um this I I guess is one reason why folks keep coming back to this channel because I have a lot of fun doing this even when things don’t turn out right that happens every so often I mean you see that yourself um on the other hand when things do go out right then it’s really really exciting too and I’m really glad when that happens but I’m especially glad as well as be be able to do all this live here with you folks here because you folks here are the ones who make this all so much fun is why I like keep to keep doing this week after week and I intend to keep on doing that as well so I can only thank everybody as always for being kind enough to be here tonight for all you folks like uh uh different way forget all the sprays and weird oils My grandmother used bacon grease Lodge let you down well um I’m not okay I will say that again this was definitely made for your typical Walmart cooking audience um so I will try making it a different way next time and we’ll see how it all turns out but thank you still as well to Popa Dan and to Ronald coward and Jim F and Corey Clark and Southern VT grown or is it Vermont grown I’m not sure um made an apple pie in my 9in earring nice and I’m so glad about that thank you very much I’m that’s really what I especially like when somebody tries one of my recipes and especially if you enjoy it and thank you and good night as well to Hog Wild cast ir and restoration and Patricia Parsons Rick stumo and Granny Graham good night everybody and Jimmy Langford and Kimberly Miller and Alma walosi thank you all for showing up thank you everybody for taking the time to be here because we are all going to do this next week and with any luck whatever we make next week you know I still have to figure that out but with any luck it’ll be a little bit more successful I will do my best to make certain of that but until then well get ready for the weekend everybody where we’ll all have some fun cooking and then we will all come back again and do it all next Wednesday and that’s why I can only end this well the way I like to end it every week see you next Wednesday a


  1. I won't be a spoiler but I enjoyed the humanity of the whole night.
    Lodge is trying to create a situation where someone can put their pans to good use even if they struggle to boil water. A beginner.
    As a skillet gets more seasoned and a cook gets more experience bacon grease becomes the first choice

  2. If a final casting looks like it was assembled as it's being poured or as it's cooling what you're really seeing is how the mold is assembled before pouring.
    The mold is absolutely complete before the pour and then it's cooled dramatically before demolding. The handle seems added afterwards because of the way the sections of the mold were put together.

  3. Great night!!! I so glad your trip was wonderfull. I learned alot about places I have never been before. I love your new cast iron. Sorry about the corn bread.

  4. Again glad you had a SAFE, fun, exciting trip to & fro. The excitement of it all & the way you detail it to us, is like we was there if ya got a good imagination as most of us do. Luvvvvv da new toys ESPECIALLLLY your dome arch lid & blessed with da raised 8. Luv it. You knocked it out da box with this live. Tkx again for having us & for da skillet😉 I'll be sure to cook up a Louisiana Storm in it.

    L😂L. Tkx again

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