47 calories, 10g protein. The konjac jelly isn’t an exact boba facsimile but it does the trick.

1 pouch tastelli konjac jelly (lots of different brands of the same product with different flavors. This one is peach)

Brewed jasmine green tea

1 scoop (2tbsp collagen peptides)

Optional: 1 tbsp torani peach sugar free syrup and some finger limes. The finger limes are like little lime balls and give a nice pop of flavor and acid when you chew them. You could finely chop up a strawberry or a lime if you wanted a similar effect but don’t have access to finger limes.

Cut the jelly pouch and plop it in the cup. Brew the tea and cool over ice, shaking in the collagen. If you’re adding chia seeds, throw those into the tea now to hydrate. Squeeze the finger lime vesicles out of the limes on top of the jelly. Fill the boba cup the rest of the way with ice. Pour over the cooled tea/collagen mixture. Top with a peach syrup float. Enjoy

by _Breton

1 Comment

  1. dateraviator0824

    Wow those macros. I’ve never had collagen peptides, what does it taste like? I usually brew green tea and mix with lychees and juice from a can. I don’t add any sugar and it satisfies my cravings.

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