A little bit of channeling/spraying, is that a WDT issue or a tamping issue?


by Ok_Smoke_1097


  1. MyCatsNameIsBernie

    It’s not that bad, we’ve seen a lot worse in this sub.

    How did the shot taste? That’s the most important thing, much more important than visual appeal of the extraction. If you like the taste, don’t worry about the bit of channeling.

    If you want to try improving the taste, follow the “Dialing In Basics” guide linked in the AutoMod’s comment. You can also watch [Lance’s latest dialing in video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-Hu4hF5PTM).

    The slight channeling could be caused by inconsistent WDT, grinding too fine, not tamping firmly enough, or bad karma.

    Please don’t use tamping as a dial-in variable. Give a very firm tamp that fully compresses the puck. Any harder won’t make a difference. It’s impossible to over-tamp.

  2. ShedLightCoffee

    Agree with all of MyCatsNameIsBernie’s points. Definitely not bad for your first attempt! But pretty shots don’t always taste the best, so it really comes down to dialing in for the flavor/mouthfeel you like best. Also, I like your mug. Cheers!

  3. Old_Captain_9131

    This shows up like every other hour or so.

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