Liver was always a ‘punishment’. I’m not sure who my mother was punishing – Us? Or the Liver? <shrug> Here it is done righteous, not shoe-leather. Thanks, Mom!

by SpicyBeefChowFun


  1. SpicyBeefChowFun

    Fried quick and fast – no more than 45 seconds per piece.

  2. Phantom_Grandpa

    Got a recipe for it? I’m a not so wealthy fella, so I’m open to trying any protein source on the cheaper end. Lol, regardless, good on you, friend!

  3. bigtakeoff

    you properly remove that membrane first?

  4. I see there’s a small sliver of artery, but you know what *goddamn it*… you get a pass for that for keeping it real.

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