Making homemade applesauce

In this video we make applesauce from the apples harvested in the garden. Something we try to do each year. Yummy, and useful in many dishes and pastries.

1 kg apples
1/2 dl water
6 dl sugar / liter strained apples
Sodium benzoate (according to manufacturers recommendations)

Clean the apples, cut them in ping-pong ball sized pieces (remove the stem and flower “bud”).
Add the water and slowly cook or simmer the fruit until it is soft and mushy.
Use whatever strainer machine you have and measure the total volume.
Add the sugar, let it heat up and simmer for about 5 min. Stir regularly!!
Take it off the heat, add the preservative, stir and pour on well cleaned jars.
Add food safe paraffin wax o top. Done!
Store in a moderately heated and dark place.
Will keep fresh for a year or two.

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  1. Прям глаз радуется. Все на своих местах. И подставка и ножницы сделаны своей рукой. Смотрю и наслаждаюсь. И опять залил парафином – надо попробовать. Молодец!!!!

  2. Strange how different cooking and conservation techniques can be. Paraffine "lid's" I remember from childhood in the 60's, and it was never combined with a screw-lid? Today we apply a much less labor intensive process: remove the apple core (and the peel if desired), add sugar and cook them till done. Fill the pots when hot, close the lid and turn the pots upside down to disinfect the lid. No juice press, no conservatives.

  3. Complete the sentence:

    I like my cooking videos like I like my forging videos: _____________.

    (Mine: With no talking whatsoever.)

  4. This is very calming to me. I love your channel! Love seeing you with your children creating memories that will stay with them a lifetime. My wife does a lot of canning and she uses a canning funnel to put what she’s making in the jars. Works great. I’m so glad I found this channel! Best heartfelt wishes to you and your family. Yours truly, Robert.

  5. In Poland I do this with my family every year! Except that we don't use sodium benzoate. After boiling the apple sauce for some time, they are not likely to rot in the jar. Greetings!

  6. We picked up a Johnny Apple peeler from an orchard my wife and I went to and it made making apple sauce and apple butter so much easier. Peels, removes core, spiral slices all at once.

  7. i love these videos. calming and awesome to watch… what a cute family and house. also, your boy is left handed i see?

  8. Could it be done without the Sodium benzoate aswell?
    How much they will last without the paraffin?

    Thanks and great video 🙂

  9. amazing and brilliant it's so cozy to watch, love your videos thank you for them, more cooking videos please

  10. That's great!.Aesthetics .Thank you for the video and enjoy watching it.You have a wonderful family.I will try to follow your example.Good luck to you.

  11. I really really love such content , i would like to see like another q and a but with your kids too bec they are soo precious ;-; ❤❤❤

  12. Bravo ce doit être délicieux ! Par contre le mode opératoire est très compliqué alors qu'il suffit, après avoir bien nettoyé les pots à l'eau bouillante ou au four comme indiqué ici, de faire chauffer la compote entre 75 et 100 degrés Celsius, de la mettre en pots, de mettre le couvercle et d'ensuite retourner les pots jusqu'à ce que cela refroidisse en appui sur ce même couvercle ce qui fini de stériliser le tout et éviterait le conservateur et la paraffine ! Si tout c'est bien passé quelques heures après on doit remarquer la forme concave du couvercle qui indique le vide d'air et donc la garantie d'une bonne conservation. Le secret c'est de continuer la chauffe à feu doux tout au long de la mise en pots et d'ainsi maintenir la bonne température de stérilisation. Pour ma part le quart seulement de la quantité du sucre ajoutée serait amplement suffisante ! 👍

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