I didn't realize I may have over done it until I took them out of the greenhouse.

by ImpressiveFan2124


  1. Artesana03

    De ninguna manera…,!!! Veo mucho espacio libre en ese piso…!!!🌶️🌶️🌶️

  2. feldspars

    Yah, that’s a little much for me, these would mostly just go to waste. I’d rather save resources for the following season.

  3. Federal_Oil7518

    Yes, but they’re the perfect size! I started too early and got peppers anywhere from 1pint cups to 3gallon pots right now……127 of them.

  4. turtlesoup2020

    Put them on an airplane and send to me 😀

  5. Panders-Layton

    Just wrapped up 108 plants in ground.. the answer is.. there is never too many!

  6. Razaelstree

    There is no such thing as too many! I ran out of containers to plant them in, so i have a bunch space around 3″ apart in pots, maybe 3-5 plants per pot. I have about 200 pepper seedlings of various varieties spread out in about 100 pots. They don’t look as healthy a yours, perhaps the greenhouse vs. me growing from seed outdoors. It’s been a hot year this year, so I’ve struggled to keep them from dehydrating if I’m not watering 3 times a day.

    So much effort, but I’ve got an agreement to supply my neighbors small businesses once they are producing, so at least in guarantee a small payoff for my otherwise hobby.

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