So this is my first year growing my own veggies. My tomatoes are doing quite well, as is my basil and oregano.

My main worries are about my peppers and garlic I've got. To me they're looking quite well (aside from my Habanero). But I'm not 100%.

Pictures #1 and #2 are my Red Bell Pepper. I can't tell if it's still leafing or if it's trying to flower.

Same with pictures #3 and 4. It's an orange bell pepper.

Picture #5 is my Habanero. I've been thinking about using a plastic bottle as a cloche to give it a more humid environment to help it a long. It unfortunately got a lot of dirt sprayed on it from a squirrel I caught trying to dig into the bed.

And lastly the garlic to me is looking good but I'm not sure how it is in this stage of growing (softneck variety).

I appreciate the help 🙂

by Arnoc_


  1. Tasty-Ad4232

    Stop worrying your habanero looks great!

  2. Rthegoodnamestaken

    For the most part looks great! That garlic may have yellowing leaves bc of over watering. I could be wrong though, maybe youre just close to pulling it? Here in NY i dont pull my garlic until early july.

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