Atlantic Canada Cooks - Moroccan Flavors (On Location)

AC Cooks week 197 – Moroccan Flavors (On Location)

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From our kitchens to yours.

#accooks #FoodConnectsUS #atlanticCanadaCooks #MoroccanFlavors

From our kitchens to yours.

come say hi with our wonderful hand you ready all right good morning everybody we’re live here my name’s Belle alorn and welcome to Atlantic Canada cooks and we’re on the live show we see everybody there I know there’s my mom in Canada we’ve got Ali one of her by good friends who’s from Morocco in Canada we’ve got Sheena from maur’s flower shop and of course J’s behind me meu and hind what better place to celebrate Moroccan flavors from the best Moroccan mom’s kitchens right so today we’re going to explore the incredible flavors of Morocco and I want to invite all of you to make sure that you book your trip and come here to Morocco so you have the privilege to experience Hospitality the unbelievable people the warmth and of course the food and the warm weather because so today here for us it’s already about 25 degrees and in the evenings this time of year it’s going to go down to a little bit my mother’s having a hard time getting her volume on mom you’re going to need to um put your volume on on your lap on your tablet so you know welcome to Atlantic candy Cooks where we do a little tech support so we’ll try to get that connected for you Mom and I just want to say that uh it’s been an incredible few days since I’ve arrived and I have eaten my way through this beautiful country I arrived in cablanca many of you are familiar with cablanca we hear it from movies we know it from a lot of stuff in our North American culture and when I arrived there with some of our good friends I was already greeted with lots of food and the most amazing meal and I can promise you when you come here you will not have a problem finding amazing food in my hand are some some of the breads that are here and you’ll learn a lot about our food culture here bread is a significant part of it as is eating with your hands as nature intended it and I see Ali smiling and he knows that Ali do you want to say hi from Canada Salam alaykum hi everyone and uh hi from uh monton with Tim Horton in the morning I should have tea but I’m have Tim Horton here so hi to the Moroccan family alaykum I smell chicken from here amazing masallah so and bread and is just beautiful beautiful food masallah so keep up the good work Michelle thank you thank you for connecting the great thing Ali is with Atlantic Arabic and he is going to be booking some travel soon so follow along with Ali we’re going to make sure we call him out afterwards and I can tell you in a few weeks I know him and I will be cooking together probably in my kitchen in Canada so he can continue to help me learn a little bit more about properly cooking yeah Moroccan Flavor Flav but Dad is my expert so today he’s going to help me pronounce my words properly is that d hi I hey bu how are you I’m doing well what about you I I didn’t recognize you look good maybe to so much Moroccan food H yeah Moroccan food it’s healthy amazing amazing yeah so what are we gonna explore today because we’re gonna be cooking we’re gonna be cooking K and Milo are gonna be cooking an amazing Taj t fresh meats yeah and we’re gonna ask everybody to hit their mute buttons if you don’t mind just so that you don’t pick up your on YouTube with us so unless you want to be seen um we’re gonna end up picking up your microphone so we’re going to take you on an exploration of Moroccan flavors and how important it is to the food culture that is in this country and Ali’s going to talk a little bit say hi because one of the things we want everybody to know is when you’re in Canada you can get a lot of these Foods already in Canada but not the street food readily made so you’re gonna have to go home to your own kitchen and cook it but dates might be one of the most important things and I’ve already lost my cup of tea that was here Amaro and tea we know but we’re familiar in can a lot with Jewel dates right that’s when we hear which again here is like key what’s the difference between a beel date and a regular date I can’t tell that uh maybe Ali will answer this question he’s from the south he knows more about dates more than me well that’s a good so dates are more indicative of the southern region so every day every meal is dates Ali talk a little bit about dates grown in your region and why bejweled which we often see in Canada so date it’s almost like apple there is so many different Apple there is uh like R delicious there is so many different type of apples the same thing for date there is a date that’s we call in Morocco in the South there is forus there m there is like so many different date so we have so many words as that that’s totally different which is sweet which is uh luxurious expensive and we have some as well that in rashidia in the south of Morocco where I come from g b bab Sahara like the the desert so date is is is different there is some from Saudi Arabia that’s really amazing which is good quality from Iraq from Algeria from different country but the Moroccan date is one of the best and it’s good to have for cooking as well because it give a flavor TS to the meat and the secret of of of the date as well if you use the the seed the date if you have meat and you put the seed with the meat it make the meat cook quicker and this is a secret only the the grandma and the moms will know that wow there’s a good secret that’s a new one for me I’ll be practicing that at home yeah and dates are used as a sweetener and I think we forget how sweet a date is yeah definitely with natural sweetness Nature’s beautiful sugar so you know when that fruit category so get some more dates in your life and and really let’s get that Health going so I want to talk a little bit about this dish that M made and thank you Jah and again when we’re talking about dates she uses a lot of it to sweeten her dishes and this is a a nice crumble as we would call it in Canada I thought it would be great on ice cream yeah or really anything with ice cream bowls oh and just to crumble this on top so what she has done with this is she has made a mixture of brown nuts Brown dates and another really really important i’ see condiment but honestly honey in Canada we’re used to Maple well honey is Morocco’s Maple it really is used in so many different foods ah I see Darlene Smith coming in it’s used in so many different foods and we like to remind everybody about the health components of it and that’s one of the other things about Moroccan food is very healthy natural ingredients lots of herbs spices I’m going to talk a bit about those spices today but you’ll see that honey is used in so many places we produce a lot of honey in Atlantic Canada as well I think it’s equally as good but I can tell you here I’ve had more varieties than we would have at home but remember is a very big country and I’m comparing it to Atlantic Canada right now so get some more honey in your life as well and use that as a sweetener so she’s used some honey and then another one cinnamon so that’s the other thing right cinnamon is super important and see J’s going to talk a little about something we eat at home but here very prominent and that’s thigs toan go ahead show those those are dry things yeah so we we have D how that oh I think we did you know you can tune to an episode from last October yeah and she put those in Honey and in the pan and then rehydrated them yes unbelievable and are those often used on Raisa sometimes to put on sometimes Raa sometimes with the exactly yeah like dates so with with har soup we eat dates in ra usually in Ramadan of course sometimes in like normal days we eat that and it’s kind of like you know it’s like a swing gum so as you see and fresh and so sweet and then sometimes yeah we’ll take and the wrap it with a nut so Walnut muts cute and be I had walnuts to show you but I ate them all last night so we’ll walk down the street and get a few more of those but I think my mom’s seeing this beautiful tajine um we have one at home in Canada now this the one that we have was made in Tangier and we were able to buy it at a beautiful store in monton called a robaba store in St George Street and I know Ali in a few minutes is going to remind everybody a little bit about some great ples h s Empire um where you can buy some of those Foods so don’t be afraid when you visit Canada you’re not going to have a problem bringing a little taste here so and this is heavy as I’m holding it right now it’s empty so one of the things that and almost every day in Moroccan culture and on all the menus you’ll go in and these beautiful Tajin already and um it takes a little time to cook right so do we were talking about the importance of why so tell us a little bit about see the shape of this it’s huge right yeah so what are we going to start with we going to start with the oil MH and meat of course with the garlic with the spices salt we will talk about spices paika paprika G kumin Ginger uh black pepper just yeah right my mom she’s a French teacher so she’s speaking in French I’m translating to English Let’s uh continue for this dish sorry actually it’s a traditional dish it’s handmade it’s handmade dish with the Dust I think Y and the secret for this like cocaine cocaine and this how to cover yeah cover is that the Tajin cooks with the vaporation of the vegetables the water that exists in vegetables they like it SK like evaporating and transforming to water again and fill to the dish and keep for maybe an hour an hour 15 minutes something like that cuz it’s cooked in a very low degree and gas stoves yeah gas stoves yeah and the secret for this at the top which is we are not using that now but uh my grandmother says that they put a little bit of water on this top and when they show that there is no water here at the top which is mean the touin is ready to to to serve so it’s like a Ministry it’s awesome it it lets you know what’s happening but the other thing is is um this is an old the oldest style of cooking and it’s for centuries centuries and centuries yeah beautiful is there’s no air fryers here everybody that you can’t buy one but they’re really not used because it’s just the love in the morning getting up and preparing the fresh ingredients actually actually for us as Moroccans any Moroccan for example even Ali will says oh the Moroccan Tajin is very delicious very wow yummy but if you cook it on fire which is like like you like you are in Forest you know what I mean with normal fire the natural fire it will say oh going to be amazing more and more so that’s why we we cook with the gas because there is some people that have also the electricity using the but with gas at least you have a little bit of fire let’s say fire you get me exciting I think I’m gonna redo my fire pit in the backyard mom because at home in Canon I don’t have a gas stove so it definitely is a big difference but I think you’ve just inspired me to redo my back fire pit yeah and have some backyard T this summer Ali I’m going to need your help for us to get that set up yeah there’s always a way to get that done now I’m G there our awesome cooks are going to take that tajine and we’re going to start to build that but I want to oh we’ve got the me look if you want to we’re going to let you guys talk yeah you can show and we can go ahead and French absolutely and talk for a few minutes so mil and and I’m just going to move the camera down a bit so that everybody look at this amazing setup so please but the potatoes are always cut like this yeah like like a boat a Bo or banana Bo or a banana yeah [Music] exactly so a mixture uh between olive oil and table oil so the base of it like normal is going to have that oil but the best part is normally in Canada what do i s cooking club heat your pan first not for this cooking technique it’s different different yeah two onions and we put so we put only we have two onions let’s say we put one onion at the beginning and one uh at the top after when we going to add the meat we will put the second onion or the house of how much we have onion if I could say this just as mil is getting ready yeah um I’ve had the privilege of going to her local butcher so one of the things here buying local is so incredibly important and most people in the communities across the country have their butcher have their vegetable person the shop all the shops right and when I go in with me they’re like so it’s so it’s like family so I can tell you this is the freshest of the freshest beef and it tastes absolutely incredible please me so uh three gloves of garlics a little bit of parsley and coriander and the rest so this rest of the parsley and coriander will’ll put it at the top as well so we have here the bottom and still we still have onions and parsley and coriander and okay next step spices one TBL one teaspoon of Kuma yeah you know so we have the red pepper we have the Cuma and black pepper one one tpoon of salt and ginger and probably one tablespoon of Ginger Ginger again a very very important spice and herb that is used here consistently and we have our mini cook wandering around you’ll see lusion ah so she’s placing the beef she’s placing this on the burner as you see it’s going to distribute the heat the heat for the whole tou from the you see how it’ll fit the bottom so it helps to make sure it’s evenly cooked on the bottom yeah bra okay she says she says what I so I said in the beginning that all usually they cook T in with charbon or natural uh fire uh now uh on the gas or in electricity you must be take a pay attention cuz uh the T in maybe it’s burned and all always like in the low low heat low degre fire there we go so she says uh she will now wait until the the Tajin get the heat a little bit and starts to like Grill in with this oil and those onions then she will add the vegetables uh on the top in the Moroccan way like a wrong and she will let it cook and I can already smell it and you can already hear it sizzling and that’s one of the best things so you get to have those wonderful scents as you go throughout the day and we say the first thing you do when you walk into a home you can smell the aroma and it’s G to make you feel good right and then you’re going to see how beautiful the food is Ali if there’s one thing I can tell you that I think Morocco has done better than any country I’ve visited which is over 38 is the food presentation and the care that goes in to presenting each and every dish you can feel the love you can definitely feel the love so let’s talk a bit about my favorite bread as I take a sip of water and you know the other thing that’s great there’s so much beautiful fresh water in this country we can drink it out of the tap I’m here in tetan in the northern part of Morocco and we drove in from Tanger where I took the train in and the distance from Tangier or near Tanger Morocco to Spain is just under 14 kilometers the same as New Brunswick to Prince of R Island yeah so I want everybody to think about that of how close and the influence of these incredible Fusion of cultures and especially from those areas in the north and uh Alo Tak AIT he’s from an area near agader and many people may have visited agader on a cruise ship but you’re only getting a small taste of what that is and that’s a little bit more in the South as Jad was talking about now bread bread is just important so important but it’s more important than your basic nutrition I think one of the things that I have learned here is bread is never thrown out no when it’s not eaten it is paid for it into the Earth or it’s paid for it into other places but it really doesn’t go into the garbage but let’s talk about what um I’m going to get the wrong word for bread it’s uh we use it we’re not through it we give it to chicken for example exactly back to the animals we were feeding wild boes when day all in the forest so aunts those like small animals can’t eat it not for garbage I think that’s impressive so Ali I know that you get these at home but every street corner everywhere many many make it at home but you can buy these from the best bakeries everywhere or some just a small vendor just put their pile of bread we bake it actually sometimes at home but now everyone is bake it right so why not let them do that because we’ll make some of the other on so the wonderful thing is when you’re eating a lot of the tajen you just rip your bread in half and this becomes your spoon so it’s just about about taking the pieces of bread and using it as a scoop yeah to enjoy and you can imagine the bottom of that tajine the flavors and I see my mom’s on here and so’s my aunt G my dad’s sister and um had my dad been alive I’m pretty sure this would be his favorite culture because nothing goes to waste h a fresh a fresh friend of mine that visited me and we are eating Tajin the first time we are eating Tajin he was eating with the the fork you know like taking a piece of potato piece of carrots and it says oh delicious and I said okay just try it in the Moroccan way first try he said oh my God it’s like another dish so I told him the suet in the bottom so you need to take part of potato part from the vegetables then a little bit from the sauce and you will taste the real Taj he said wow until now when he goes to a Moroccan restaurant in French and he’s a french guy not a Moroccan guy uh he’s not eating with the F he’s eating with his hand but with Moroccan uh bread of course and we were in on Friday we had a beautiful lunch in Tangier with with Jad and I and wonderful little luin my and we have I had a small lemon and chicken tajine that had raisins dates a lots of Olives speaking of Olives it’s like by the way does anybody notice behind us the table keeps changing out that’s like hen the secret little person in the back getting things done so my mother knows how much I love olives so I I am and so does she I’m an olive Heaven here and um so when I was having my Chine and you can get small ones too so for an individual meal or as we’re doing today for a family meal so olives are you know I’ve been to Italy many times olives are amazing in that country but Morocco’s bigger so guess what there’s more and more and they are growing everywhere so it’s absolutely amazing I’m going to take some videos this week so follow us along on our Facebook and our Instagram and you’ll see a little bit more what’s going on but here we’ve got some beautiful black olives we’ve got some green calamato olives white olives and there’s been some yellow ones and I’m going to post later the different names of those olives because I’m not going to remember them but get some more olives in your life because again it’s full of health and wellness and that’s one of the things in this culture that is so incredibly important is is eating the foods as nature intended it for as we said centuries of eating and I know in North America we’ve changed a lot even the fast food here is fast to get it but they’ve really taken the time for slow cooking and to get that in there so definitely drop by anywhere get a few more olives in your life and I can tell you these ones here have been dipped in Hara so that’s going to have a little pecante and definitely going to have a little heat I might have made a mistake yesterday of putting about four in my mouth that one I paid for so I’m going to talk a little bit about next week on Sunday we’re going to be posting from Isaiah cakes and you will see this amazing place here in Morocco and tetan and when I was here three months ago it was under construction and now this beautiful business is flourishing we love seeing entrepreneurs in this country and every country moving forward and um last night danan and I stopped by to have a little visit and say hello and uh we had one of these amazing tacos now in Canada we picture a taco like we would have learned from Mexico and other places so Moroccan tacos are a little bit different equally as flavorful and what you’re going to see is a beautiful wrap and look at the grill marks on this absolutely cooked to Perfection this one I think has become my favorite CU Jad help me it’s the mixed one so Jad what’s inside of this uh we have chicken lamp uh turkey and also the sausages yeah and there’s some potatoes of course the french fries right ah see french fries to cheese and we choose which sauce you’re going to add we have multiple choices of sauces like uh Algerian sauce barbecue sauce andalo sauce uh which is Moroccan uh sauce we have also the Kebab sauce so yeah good good I usually order at least three sauces with my yeah Tre sauces as we say on Atlantic Canada Cooks food is meant to be SAU right look my mother Mom figured out her volume and her unmute uh right Mom what do we say get I’m still Saucy right a little a little idiom there and I can see my aunt greatest smiling at that one she remembers how Saucy I could be so um this is something that is easy to recreate and I can tell you I will be making these at home because the combination is like it’s a meal but you can taste all oh he would be yeah he was good so pass Zach Zach baladi who is now in mon we will be making me I call him kak he’s from kazanka yeah and we have a lot of zakar right so we talked about this now one of the things that our amazing uh Cooks behind us Hino are getting some salads together as well yeah because we’ talked about some meat and we’re talking about pastries but vegetables are with every meal all the time and the beauty in the salads and I know I’ve cooked a few for Mom and I think she knows some of the unique flavors that go into them but this might be my other addiction yeah would be these do you think I soate this say is um the times the day we eat in this culture can be a bit different yeah why don’t we show this when here we go you want to turn that laptop yeah you go tell us what’s going on she’s turning the meat uh to the other side it can take a little bit of the sauce in the it smells amazing it’s already smells delicious right yeah Beyond incredible here as you see some beautiful colors red yellow green orange right we’re going to talk about this and then we’re going to come over and talk about fruit because yeah um and how fruit is it’s a different part of our question so in the evening sometimes 91 p.m. this is our favorite snacking time for these B trees and I know Ali has learned in Canada we don’t usually eat as late do we Ellie it’s a whole different one so I’m gonna get to I to talk a little bit about what these ones are each called but I’m G to tell you the middle one it’s Michelle’s favorite that’ be part of Michelle’s Morocco this is part of Michelle’s Morocco and I’m just going to hold it up and the pastry is beyond light and just fluffy and they’re easily reheated and that’s what I love in in the oven they puff back up and almost taste just as fresh as coming out of the oven for the first time actually those we call them which is let’s say salties cuz they are not sweet and each one with different different like uh ingredients and I think this much cheese yeah spices inside for example this one yeah I think I don’t think so cheese maybe one oh no that’s the one with this is this is this one with with chicken and Shawarma spices so it’s like a shawarma but chicken cook it with Shawarma spices it gives you the the flavor of Sharma and these for example inside is cheese oh yeah you can see can see that it’s cheese inside um so I give a mama a bite a virtual bite and this uh chicken chicken and on on onion look at that eggs chicken onion and eggs you see inside so this is my uh my best snack at the evenings it’s true yeah definitely and this you’ll see some of the yellow in there so you’re seeing those wonderful Moroccans so some carcumin turmeric you know and the thing about that is those are some of the best spices at home we’re trying to get healthier right by adding tumeric to everything when really into our drinks put it in your dishes and get used to it just watch the fact your fingers will turn yellow um but you know what the thing is is that’s the natural dyes that are often involved in the leather and the making of beautiful clothing here as well so that’s definitely something to be thinking about not goes to waste right there’s a lot of going back into nature using it Within Clothing materials um more so than we see in North America so thank you Morocco for ensuring that that happened Ali are you hungry I I just smell the Tajin the Tajin smells so good oh my God so I think I just wanted to add to add something about the bread uh bread is like a lot of people use like utensil fork for as Moroccan bread is the fork is the knife is everything we have three finger that we use this is our fork and when you eat it at the end you li all your finger because so tasty so that’s what give it the flavor that would give it like that amazing Taste of the Tajin and we have a say in Morocco if the Tajin is not burned a little bit it’s not a Tajin CU it’s stick to it the chicken stick to the bottom and that’s when it give it that nice beautiful flavor juicy and and uh we hope we have a Moroccan restaurant here in monton sometime soon because like it’s we it is different restaurant but it’s not really pure Moroccan so Moroccan cuisine as as as you know last year classified number one in the world yeah like what what make Moroccan Cuisines different is influenced by so many culture like Roman like European like the Jewish like the from Andalusia from all different things so that what make it so different and for the Tajin each region in Morocco has a different Tajin so for instance where I come from from the south from Sahar they call them Lon BL the blue man which is like they have the scarf because they live in the desert and stuff so they make the Tajin with the camel meat or with the chicken or with the beef or even with the fish that make it like really amazing taste the Tajin that they make up north in tangir tiwan and nador is amazing and they use a lot of sweet which is make it really good Marakesh Tajin is totally different which is really good use a use a PR use dat they use so many things and Tajin it could be the dish itself and it could be also the pot so the dish do you are cooking when you are cooking in it that you were sharing at the beginning that’s the Tajin but we can say fish Tajin chicken Tajin beef Tajin camel Tajin so stay tuned Atlantic Arab big travel will be organizing organized trip to Morocco anybody interested it will be we are taking you to the all those beautiful city to kazablanka to Marakesh to Faz to mnes and to dza that where you’ll be sleeping in the tent and the stars and the moon and riding the camel and tasting the tea like if you don’t have the tea with the mint you have to try the tea after the Tajin that what make the flavor that what give the flavor and the secret about the Tea a lot of people wonder why there is like the foam on the top of the tea you see the more of LIF in the top so they have that nice scarf as we said so it give you that nice white stuff that is just because people in the desert when the when they used to in the desert the sand come and when the sand come it fall in the cup of the tea so that white Stu it used as a filter that block the sand from going so when you’re drinking that block the sand and you can drink it so that’s the secret behind it so anybody darling get ready and uh we’ll come in with us for for a trip to Morocco and get your friend and we will go and maybe take Michelle as a guide to us to take us on those stores yes we absolutely so I know Ali was excited about the tajine he’s about to get more excited because milu is about to go with step two so let’s have a look as we continue to build so do you see remember we spoke about the onions so she’s putting the other onion on the top and hopefully you can see that is bubbling we wish we had smello Vision Ellie we need someone from our technology team she’s adding some uh Tomatoes mhm yeah and by the way I it’s not the the T of the north actually my beautiful mom she’s from the atas mountains she from masah so this is a mixed like it’s from the south from the north from every with Little Canada yes yes yes with a touch of Canada watch how is putting the vegetables on with such care she I I speak with his a few word in barbar and the and that is the native of Morocco as as as you might know the native of Morocco like indigenous people are be bear or amaz so she was talking to me in amaz I don’t I I speak a little bit of am but I because I study in aad and that’s where I finished my University so that’s how I learned but I’m from the south like I’m s yes yes the different dials three dialects we we have it was studying in AR ah okay so you see what milu is doing right now absolutely beautiful so the potato boats as we called them yeah so in Canada we often we’ll do something like this and we stir the dish as you’re going to notice how this could when this is complete it’s going to come out with those vegetables in this exact beautiful position yeah and look at the colors in there right and the care that’s taken I’m already picking the ones I’m gonna eat Michelle in Morocco we say do I eat before the mouth always pres presentation is the key like that’s why they take such a big part in presenting the food in a different way colorful everything that’s why and there we go the peas are going on and see those flavors are going to come together and those are fresh peas you know we took out of the Pod to prepare for that oh mle that looks beautiful there is and a big pile in the middle it’s like a it’s like a volcano a flavor right exploding good flavor yes I want my part Michelle bring me send my through the camera I when you eat that happily I will we we off we say again do you deliver yes do you deliver guys it will be expensive delivery so what she’s doing right now is she’s pouring on the tomato juice so when she I cut the tomatoes out so that’s the center of the Tomato so nothing going to waste it’s good so she covered now the and she will let it cook and it Tak a little bit of time about how much as a guess 45 minutes about 45 minutes and just like Al Le said you eat with your eyes but when you first walk in here and right now you’re smelling it and you can get excited and we forget about that take time with your food and it’s going to help with your health and your wellness and um even though we have a lot of rich flavors here you’ll see it’s mainly natural ingredients and the process that the food is cooked in is keeping all of those ingredients sometimes with boiled potatoes and that mainly the water is reused everything is reused so you’re keeping those nutrients so um we say here we’re creating a food community and getting people back in their kitchens so that you can experience that or come to Morocco and and and explore those flavors in person so one of we’re going to get some salads out here in a minute and um a lot of the vegetables are cooked and then some seasoning so there’s cold salads as traditional as we would think and then a lot of that beets beets are a really big deal full of antioxidants um but fruit I going to talk about fruit for a second yeah D’s gonna pick the fruit bowl up because I literally can’t pick it up we the season so which uh each season we have we have fruits here in Morocco so thanks to God we have different types of fruit like tropical fruits like banana ananas avocado chil Moya we have those and those uh herons no uh uh Sapa Sapa I think in English English I think can you can you help us with that one in English so after each meal you know a bowl of fruit that size comes out bunch of knives are stuck in it and you just sit and take the time to have that fruit help with your digestion so we’re going to open this one up and by the way it is so fresh there’s that little seed on the inside and it’s not we’re Googling it oh wow okay it look like mm you probably should have looked this up Med I have not had this before I would like to have more know that’s okay H so the seeds yeah are different in that Moroccan oranges you know dropped by some of your international stores in the community that you live in uh my mom and I st by a couple in Mont just to buy our Moroccan oranges and I know Mom wouldn’t say it the flavor in them is absolutely exceptional um we don’t really grow any Citrus in Canada so that’s a unique thing it’s mainly imported so when I’m walking the streets and we’re going to take some videos this week there will be vendors with trucks HED with oranges and fruit so right now you’re going to see a lot of oranges because of this season so we’ll be having some of those and some peaches and pears ah lookat ah l o we going to put that in the chat box like quat I can tell you my the flavor of it it’s like a very mild Plum flavor and it’s got a beautiful texture a little bit more like a peach so it’s kind of got the flavor of a plum and the texture of a peach it’s like the little baby peach see the difference in the size right and then the peaches and I tell you I’m going to cut this open and I need to make sure that I don’t I have a paper in front of me because they’re so juicy and fresh and um again after every meal going to take the opportunity to enjoy these beautiful fruit and I’m already getting the juice everywhere so that beautiful look at the color the beautiful Rich colors they’re so sweet with that nice little tart that you expect and you see peaches and nectarines both see so remember the peaches have a little fuzz and your nectarines are smooth and um again the flavors are rich and delicious and it’s a great finishing to every meal in the evenings always a bowl comes up this size to make sure we’re celebrating last time I was here I’m going to knock the fruit bowl over um I was eating a lot of red apples and we talked a bit about seasonality so there’s these wonderful yellow apples and I know at home some of these are some of my mom’s favorite when we have a chance to get them in the fall only in Atlantic Canada is our apple season so we know that we’re going to get very very fresh apples you can go apple picking in Canada those are wonderful things uh but here they’re growing them year round in different regions so you always know that you’re going to get some beautiful fresh apples and again that’s it the beautiful white on the inside this particular one definitely an apple but it has a little bit of a flavor of a pear in it which is wonderful so I find the apples here have a more distinctively different flavors so um an apple a day keeps the doctor away right there’s my mouth in that one and it is true that’s part of Health and Wellness I think Joad is still looking up this fruit I love it good love Yeah [Music] M Med he’s gonna type it into the chat box so everybody have a look at that one and I will be searching this when I get home there are many fruits in our food stores that you can get and again there’s the little seed on the inside and they’re absolutely I really love the flavor of this one are we ready for some salads all right our amazing cooks are ready to show us our next dish all right go ahead we’ll get Milo to go ahead here and start talking about it come in and give us some translation like tomato oh hold it new forehead Tom peppers and onions paper ahead well uh give me she has uh she have the the the the tomato onion and sweet green pepper the big pepper and she grill a little bit and take the skin of it and with oil there we goer M and that’s going to go into this pan so she’s already prepared the pan the pan with the spices parsley and maybe parley coriander or justy parsley coriander GC uh garlic yeah salt I just say it smells so good Kum and okay and some ground dry corander just for carrots not for this right exactly okay so this is the base of the pan and we’re going to put the carrots in carrot set up so and she’s already got the carrots already cooked she’s boiled those earlier and cut them all up and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put that on the heat so remember we’re cooking with gas here so we often hear as you’re following Atlantic K Cooks we give a lot of tips and making sure you have a hot pan well because we’re cooking with gas the minute she turns that pan off that seasoning is going to start cooking instantly so the Pan’s going to get very hot and she put it on about 5 seconds ago and I can already smell yeah the flavors it’s just in incredible those Rich Aromas that happen right away and of course all for all of our cooking club fans there’s always a vegetable for Michelle that ends up like a smile and this week it’s going to be a sweet pepper and again we were seeing these are sweet peppers So within the the tomato salad that we cooked that those that’s not a raw pepper so that pepper was cooked the skin was taken off so it’s got a different flavor that’s out of going so I’m G to put it over here so this is you see this she’s going to roast that to take the skin of it yeah beautiful now we’re g to put the other pan back on that Pepper’s not getting roasted today so we’re going to be coming up to an end here and we’re going to show you we’re going to finish off with the beautiful carrot dish and some salad that we’ prepared and um I think everybody’s probably a little bit envious because you know what we’re eating today and it’s going to be absolutely amazing and you know it’s with cutting of vegetables nothing today took a long time yeah right so sometimes you might look at the dishes and think that was so many hours but really taking the time to cut your vegetables peel them is taking time with your food so that’s one of our goals is to bring people together more with a food Community okay so here we go so this is going to be one of our cold salads so in here we’ve got beautiful one of my favorite cucumbers and I love it ah yes radish and my mother knows this is exact like one of my absolute favorite things very very popular in Moroccan food and of course good leaf lettuce so with this one got all the different flavors in here and this is going to go together to make another cold salad a little bit of olive oil and a few light spices that are going to go into it we want something fresh and crisp because the other dishes we have are much richer with spices so having a fresh salad that’s not over seasoned make some nice complete cart of your dish and again the beautiful colors and knowing that you’re getting your greens don’t forget to eat your greens right we often talk about that going to set this down I can tell you as I’m moving in the kitchen the the scents are wonderful so meu is just finished only about you know about two minutes for those season to cook and now she’s putting the pre-cooked carrots in there and hopefully we’re going to get that in there that you can see look at the colors you can see the green on those carrots and that beautiful amount of flavor and what’s really lovely is these carrots are perfect hot and they’re equally as good cold so it’s wonderful to have the salad twice one in a hot and one in a cold application and of course the beautiful orange color that’s in there so we talked about this one we’ve got three salads and a beautiful tajine four salads I think we have an extra we have an extra dish that Michelle didn’t even know about these two are magical behind me you can see that ah yes and of course our beats so and you can see the seam coming off so we’ll cut those beats up add a little bit of seasoning and that will be another one of the salads follow us along on our Facebook we want to say hi to our YouTube audience and thank you all for joining us this afternoon we’re going to post these on our Instagram and our Facebook group and page so that you can see and enjoy a little bit of the flavors of Morocco and I just want to say thank you to Ali we know we had to leave to go off to another meeting this morning morning he’s the president of our arre association in New Brunswick and we’re really proud of the work that he’s doing and we hope that you follow along and learn a little bit more and have a little bit more of the Taste of Morocco in your life so we want to say thank you so much the Milo and jaad will come in and have a smile thank you watching right from our kitchen to yours to yours thank you so much for joining us and it’s great to see look I’ve got my mom and my aunt on either side thank you to our friends from Morocco that have joined in as well and I see our wonderful friend Darlene Smith she’s appeared on Atlantic Canada Cooks a few times and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing her soon as she comes in to enjoy some of these wonderful flavors next Sunday we’ll be seeing you to experience a little bit more of a Taste of Morocco at least three for ladies every time


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