Some of the best dinners we have really barely qualify as dinners. A baguette and a wheel of brie. Ice cream eaten out of the carton. Cold beer and chips and salsa. I think the very fact that you don’t have to put any effort into it is part of what makes it so rewarding to enjoy. Charcuterie definitely makes the list of our favorite low-effort, high-reward meals – a link of good artisan salami, a few slices of prosciutto, and some sharp mustard is really all you need. And with the increasing availability and variety of high-quality artisan charctuerie, putting out a nice charcuterie board as part of a dinner party or event is fast becoming the most popular way to kick off an epic meal.

As part of their Pork and Pinot series, I’ve teamed up with La Crema Wine to share how I put together a nice charcuterie board to pair with a bottle (or two! invite friends!) of Pinot Noir. Whether it’s the opener to a dinner party or Trevor and I are sharing in front of the TV, a well-balanced plate of salty, rich pork and a glass of Pinot Noir is an addictive match.


Dining and Cooking

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