At any rate, Sbiten, it one of Russia’s versions of the hot, spiced, mulled winter drinks that cure what ails you. It stood out to me because the use of jam and honey make it so thick and hearty and give you a lot of control over the flavor. I’ve tried the recipe using a red wine base, as well as a rum-water base, and both turned out very nicely.

Sbiten: Russian Mulled Rum

Serves 2.

  • 1 c. water
  • ½ c. spiced rum (plus one shot, optional)
  • 2 T jam of choice
  • 1 T honey
  • ½ t ground ginger
  • 1 t ground clove
  • ½ t ground cinnamon
  • ½ t ground nutmeg
  1. Heat the water and ½ c. rum over medium heat in a small pot. When the mixture is just boiling add the jam and honey and simmer for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the rest of the spices, and stir to mix. Strain into mugs and add a dash of rum to each, if desired, for a stiffer drink.

Note: For a red wine-base, replace water and rum with ½ c. water and 1 c. red wine.

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