That was the case with these tartines. They were meant to make up a roulade, filled with that wonderfully thick coconut cream cheese and maybe even some avocado. I was so excited for this dish, maybe a little too much so, but it was not in the stars. The coriander bread, although soft and crumbly, would not roll without cracking or breaking – it was obvious that it wanted to stay flat.

This coconut-cilantro cream cheese has a delightful texture, both thick and fluffy. The coriander bread thins have an earthy, bread-like taste and take to the cream cheese very well. Then, it’s nice to offset the richness of both with some fresh, seasonal veggies. We topped our tartines with heirloom cherry tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, radish, and a few sprinkles of green onion rings. A very special snack that made us forget all about the kitchen disaster.

Coriander Bread Thins
2 cups raw cashews – soaked overnight
1 cup meat of fresh young Thai coconut
1/2 cup Irish moss – thoroughly washed and soaked in hot water for at least 10 minutes
1 cup water from fresh young Thai coconut or purified water
1 tablespoon honey or another sweetener of choice
3 garlic cloves – 2 whole, and 1 finely chopped
1 small chili – 1/2 of it finely chopped
2 teaspoons coriander seeds – ground
1 teaspoon cumin seeds – ground
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup brown flax seeds – ground
1/8 cup ground almonds
1 cup chopped cilantro

In a high speed blender, combine all but the last three ingredients, 1/2 of the chopped chili, and one chopped garlic. Blend until smooth. Transfer the mixture in a large mixing bowl, add flax seeds, almonds, cilantro, chopped chili and garlic. Mix thoroughly and spread evenly on one Teflex-lined dehydrator tray(or two, for thinner bread). Dehydrate for about 20 hours at 115F, flip over, peel away Teflex sheet, and dehydrate on the screen only until dry to touch and ready to be cut. Cut into pieces of desired shape, dehydrate more if needed. Bread should be somewhat soft inside, but not too moist.

Coconut-Cilantro Cream Cheese
1 cup meat of fresh young Thai coconut
1/2 cup water of fresh young Thai coconut
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/8 cup Irish moss – thoroughly washed and soaked in hot water for at least 10 minutes
1/2 cup macadamia nuts- soaked overnight
1/2 cup cashews- soaked overnight
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons water
zest of 1 lime
freshly ground black pepper – to taste
1 cup fresh cilantro leaves or other herbs of your choice – chopped

Put coconut meat, water and oil in a high-speed blender together with the Irish moss and blend until smooth.

In a food processor, mix the rest of the ingredients, with the exception of cilantro, until it reaches a ricotta cheese-like consistency. Transfer the mixture into a medium sized bowl and fold the coconut mixture in, mixing with a wooden spoon to combine everything together thoroughly. Mix in the cilantro.

You may want to double the bread recipe for this amount of cream cheese, or use the cream cheese access with other bread or crackers.

Dining and Cooking

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