
  • 8 ounces short-crust pastry
  • 3 tablespoons brandy
  • 8 ounces mincemeat
  • 1 egg
  • Sugar

12 pies


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Butter and flour a muffin tin. Roll out the pastry until it is about a quarter of an inch thick. Using a cookie cutter or a glass, cut it into three-inch rounds. Place half the rounds in the muffin tin (you may need two tins).
  3. Mix the brandy into the mincemeat. Place a tablespoon onto each pastry round. Beat the egg and use a little to moisten the edges of each round. Place a pastry top on each mincemeat round and press the edges together with a fork.
  4. With a sharp knife, make a slit in the top of each pie. Brush with egg and bake for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake for 10 more minutes or until the pies are golden. Remove from oven and cool on a rack. Dust with sugar and serve hot or cold.

30 minutes

Dining and Cooking

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