Ich bin ein Berliner

by livingInYourCarSucks


  1. Professional_Band178

    I wonder if John F Kennedy would appreciate you efforts. It looks tasty.

  2. kkaennip

    I’m sorry to break your heart bit that’s not a Berliner. Berliner are jam filled, no hole. My favorite are the plum jam filled ones. Your donuts look delicious regardless of name!

  3. B0ris006

    Donut call this a Berliner ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)

  4. OldBoringWeirdo

    It’s slang. He’s American. He’s a donut. A fuckin donut.

  5. adam_demamps_wingman

    I thought Reagan said “Ich bin Berliner” which meant he was a type of pastry while JFK said “Ich bin ein Berliner” which meant he was a citizen of Berlin, West Germany. So confused.

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