Summer heat in your Florida vegetable garden can be intense. Elise Pickett with The Urban Harvest will share 4 tips for helping your summer vegetable garden beat the heat plus a bonus – 10 summer vegetables to grow that thrive in our summer heat! These Florida gardening 101 videos will help you get a solid grasp of how to summer garden in Florida.

0:00 How to Care for Plants in Extreme Heat
1:23 Proper Irrigation for Plants in the Summer
5:04 Mulching for Plants in the Summer
7:27 How to Use Micro-Climates for Plants in Summer
9:58 How to Use Seasons to Your Advantage in the Garden
12:35 Plants that Thrive in Summer Heat

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  1. The channel I've been looking for! I'm on the 9/10 zone border and haven't had much luck but I will try your tips! Thank you!

  2. I’m moving to Ft Meyers soon. I’m so excited to be able to grow veggies throughout the year. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi just found your channel. Im in port charlotte fl and im about to start my first ever garden. Can you tell me why you have raised garden? Are they important? If so i will build them before i start planting.. thanks

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for the content, it is so hard to learn specifically for Florida growers. I have a space that is almost 100% percent shaded. Is there anything I can grow in that space during summer that can handle the heat but not need the sun?

  5. Great video. We are in Spring Hill and are just planting some Okra and Eggplant. When do you usually take your tomato plants out in the summer? We have an Everglade and hope to keep it as long as possible.

  6. I normally do not plant a vegetable garden over the summer but with the issues of supply lines and shortages I changed my mind. In my Florida garden I have planted or will plant eggplant, yard beans, cow peas, pole beans, sweet potatoes, pigeon peas ,yellow squash and Seminole winter squash. I have read that you can eat the sweet potatoes leaves .

  7. Hi! Do you find that plants that require "full sun" actually do better with a little partial shade here in the tampa bay in the summer time? I just feel like our sun is so strong very strong.

  8. I just read that magnolia leaves are death to a garden, that they release a chemical that prevents growth. I was going to use them in my raised beds because we have loads of them, but I read they are better for weed control. Have you found any issues using them?

  9. It's June 14th. Can I plant Sugar Babies icebox watermelons and expect success? I appreciate your

  10. I like how she uses the chapters and actually has some crop recommendations that would be yummy.

  11. I have the same climate on the west coast in India and am absolutely thrilled to finally find someone growing food in similar conditions. Only difference being that we face water shortages in summer (well water turns brackish too) so I don't grow anything new until the rains arrive at the end of June.

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