Planting pinto beans is best done in autumn with organic soil in holes about an inch and a half into the soil. Water the beans and grow plump hearty stems in sixty to ninety days with help from an expert gardener in this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Jene Van Butsel
Bio: Jene Van Butsel is an expert gardener specializing in growing plants and tropical fruit trees since 1987.
Filmmaker: Leonora Fishbein

Series Description: A vegetable garden can bring an array of fresh vegetables to your home, from avocados and squash to butter and soy beans. Learn to grow vegetables with help from an expert gardener in this free video series on vegetable gardening.


  1. @randude1 store foods are sprayed with growth inhibitor so they won't sprout in the store

  2. @randude1 I don't know what spray the other guy is talking about, but I've done it before. Buy a small bag and give it a go

  3. @Vajrasiddha you can buy a bag of pinto beans from the store for less then $3 just make sure there like unbleached and all that good stuff. just put the beans in a bag with some moisture

  4. so I can go downstairs in my kitchen and get a bag of pinto beans out and plant them and they will grow??? what about after you turn them to sprouts..can you plant them like that too?? also, I noticed your growing in a container…can they be grown outside??

  5. That doesn't even make sense. Beans won't just randomly sprout in the package. lol Anyway, I have attempted to grow dozens of different seeds from the store, and most of them sprouted. Then it's just a matter of whether you can provide adequate conditions for them to grow. I think that crap about growth inhibitors is just propaganda from the seed industry. :oP

  6. This informative tool is very useful for the preparation on growing your own pinto beans. The procedures and methods are well presented and I am pretty sure that it could really help homeowners and gardeners. You did a great job! 

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