[homemade] Frog Bread.

by Lada730


  1. Computingusername

    If it’s an easy pull bread spinach and artichoke dip would be perfect. Just carve a hole in the back.

  2. Vitruviansquid1

    It’s the mofo from Dark Souls!

  3. The_Great_ATuin

    Frog bread! Nothing’s more suspicious than frog bread!

  4. Ashley4645

    That’s really cute! I always laugh at these because I know very well ill never be able to do it.

  5. heatharv712

    Good gravy, that thing is freakin adorable! Well done!

  6. GooseVersusRobot

    Very cool, would be fun to see a cross section

  7. Remmy224

    I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days!

  8. jimbop420

    It’s looking into my soul…. “when one looks into the abyss something something something looks back”

  9. beachboundbetty

    Does anyone else see it, or is it just me?

  10. Troll_face_123

    I’ve seen bread crab and now i’ve finally got to see frog bread.

  11. I really want this as a red bean bun or meat pie.

  12. Lol this is very cute! This reminds me of the time when I was a kid, I tried to bake a Valentine’s cake for mom and dad. It was my first time baking. It did not go well. The cake ended up looking like a burnt turtle. It was charcoal hard. We ate it anyway, probably because it was my first cake lol!

  13. TheDeadlyEdgelord

    Why does this remind me of Khaby Lame lol

  14. Out of all the bread I’ve seen in my life, this bread is the cutest.

  15. TheShaggyActuality

    101% sure I will not eat this instead I will put it on the frame.

  16. spoopityboop

    I read this in Danny DeVito’s voice.


  17. Frank_McGracie

    I do believe the fine folks in r/frogs would enjoy this!

  18. IlIFreneticIlI

    Basilisk Bread


  19. Any_Cockroach7485

    Those things spew black smoke in elden ring.

  20. secrethedgehog5

    Omg this is amazing OP!! Made me chuckle

  21. TechnoChimp89

    I’ll have some French Toadst please.

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