When taking care of asparagus plants, after two years you can water them once a week in the summertime. Care for asparagus plants during every seasons with help from an expert gardener in this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Jene Van Butsel
Contact: www.tropicalfruit.com/
Bio: Jene Van Butsel is an expert gardener specializing in growing plants and tropical fruit trees since 1987.
Filmmaker: Leonora Fishbein

Series Description: A vegetable garden can bring an array of fresh vegetables to your home, from avocados and squash to butter and soy beans. Learn to grow vegetables with help from an expert gardener in this free video series on vegetable gardening.


  1. Where are the asparagus shoots coming from? I planted asparagus and I have a fern like bush–do the shoots form off the fern some how? Thank you for your help.

  2. @dogtracks39 In the spring cut the ferns all off, all the way to the ground. The shoots will appear in only a few days, or a little over a week–in good conditions. You cut those off with something sharp, right at ground level, and in a little over a week you can harvest again.

    How long have you had the plants? Because you should let them establish for a few years before you start to eat it.

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