** obligatory: not true bagels but bagel-like **

360g Bread Flour
185g Water
75g Starter (100% hydration | white wheat)
7g Salt
10g Avocado Oil

1. Combine flour, water, starter, and salt. Let sit for 30 min.
2. Add in oil. Let sit for 2.5 hours.
3. Divide into 6 portions and roll into balls.
4. Shape into bagels. Proof for 2.5 hrs.
5. Boil in water with a 1/2 tsp baking soda. 20 sec each side.
6. Add everything bagel seasoning.
7. Bake at 450 deg F for 8 min, 400 deg F for 10 min.

Ate one at around two hours post bake and the crust pretty crusty right after baking. I also felt like 70% of the toppings fell off when I was trying to slice it.

After sitting out overnight the crust/chew is much better and more to my liking, it also helped retain a lot more of the toppings.

Looking for any tips on how to prevent the toppings from burning and how to top with cheese for a cheesy crusty effect (not sure if anyone has had the Starbucks cheddar/onion/garlic bagel in the PNW). I’ve read about the bagel board/turner but any feedback is appreciated!

by bo0stlife


  1. snooklepookle_

    I’ve seen people bake bagels upside down to keep the toppings from burning. I use an egg wash and for some reason it also helps for me.

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