The ugly one behind was baked in a pizza oven using gas and I had issues with the temperature.

The good looking one was baked in a Dutch oven.
The crust was great but softened a little bit after it cooled, any tips or ticks to help it stay crusty?

by More-Mortgage-5237


  1. WellBangOkay

    First that loaf looks great and so does the crumb.

    I used that whole recipe for about a year before shifting to a more lax method and encountered a similar “issue”.

    My one change that gave me better oven spring and a crispier crust longer was: Preheat the dutch oven at 500 fahrenheit just like the recipe. But as soon as the bread is in the dutch oven put the oven to 475. After 30 minutes take the lid off. 5 minutes in the oven with the lid off, and then another 5 with the lid off and door to the oven cracked open. The heat escaping cools it down a bit, and allows for air flow around the loaf to help get a crispy crust.

    If you do try this, hope it helps!

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