[Homemade] Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo

by My_Godlike_Chin


  1. karolchambers

    Either do mushrooms, IMHO. Why way more corn and mushrooms? 1 piece of shrimp? Not “shrimp gumbo”!

  2. Help_Send_Newds

    The ancestors looking down on this…


    I’m kidding (mostly). When I make gumbo, I don’t follow tradition either. But, this is ultra nonconformist. I will say it looks like you nailed the color of the roux and your protein looks to be a great texture.

  3. I’ve never had anything like this and I would love to try it.

  4. An_Aspiring_Scholar

    That looks delicious. I haven’t had gumbo for years.

  5. mjgabriellac

    The southerner in me sees corn and mushrooms in gumbo and feels a way but my grandpa would say the same about me putting sausage and shrimp in mine (he was Cajun and a no land x sea crossover purist) and I bet this was fire. Gorgeous roux.

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