Just basically winging it and trying to self learn. Im really loving the journey! This is a recipie I found on youtube and ive been going with it 🤷‍♀️
This is my 5th loaf and first one with an actual cast iron DO (only had a stainless steel pot which I thought was the same thing lol). I am learning each time and feel im improving muchly with each loaf. Im not up on all the bread lingo so any very simple tips would be appreciated! Thank you ☺️

310g H2o
200g fed starter (mine is ww)
400g APF
50g WWF
12g salt
Mix and cover 30 mins

Bulk ferm:
2 sets stretch and folds 30 mins apart
(This one i actually did an extra set just for whatever reason)
Rest for 2 hrs room temp

Shape and proof for 90 mins

Preheat oven 500 – put dutch oven in for 45 mins.
Score and bake for 20 mins @485
Remove lid and bake for 25 mins @ 465

Cook in afternoon into evening and I let it cool compeltely overnight and cut in the AM.

by No-Psychology6531


  1. smokeywokeypokey

    Looks good!
    I always judge a loaf by how good a sandwich a slice would make, so the only critique would be to make stitch the dough a bit tighter before the final proof, but it would still be a solid 9/10.

    What do you use in your starter?

  2. I’m not super familiar with sour dough, however it looks a bit underprooved. Poke it when it’s proving and if an indent stays for a few seconds you’ll know it’s ready

  3. hbaeuerle

    Next timer perhaps a deeper score? Will help open it better

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