I’m finally happy with my loafs. I know I could have a bit more bulk fermentation in this one, but also I’m happy I know that now, because of the tips I see here and from all my failures, so thanks to everyone that replies with tips and tricks to help the newbies. I found a new kind of happiness in making bread! Please let me know what I can improve 🙂

Bought the starter off etsy and it was said to be 9yo. Have one tried white loafs for now.

Used this recipe (and video):

White Sourdough

(Makes 2 loaves. Halve the amounts for a single loaf)

800g strong white flour
10g salt
460ml tepid water
320g sourdough starter

Video: https://youtu.be/2FVfJTGpXnU


by AdSea4715

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