Working on my stitched creation of the amazing vegetable garden at Chateau de Villandry in France. Sharing my patch of broccoli, cauliflower and Romanesco using French knots and loose stitches. Showing how I have wrapped beads with embroidery floss to create two varieties of pumpkins complete with vine. Then onto the cabbage patch featuring purple and green cabbages in alternating stripes. After that we make our way over to work in the strawberry patch with the biggest and juiciest strawberries you might have ever seen.

Plus your chance to nominate what you think I should include in my garden as there are lots of garden beds still to be tended.

And here’s a link to Melanie from purveyor of reclaimed textiles over on instagram where I have sourced a variety of threads and fabrics from her extensive collection:


  1. love this, well done and what a great source of inspiration. You could add some peas, sweet corn, sprouts, beans

  2. Egg plant, chilli plant, kale,chives, leeks, grape vine,olive tree, rhubarb. I really like your progress. The garden is growing beautifully. TFS 🦋🐛💚

  3. Thank you so much for demonstrating that knot. 🥰 And I love the warts and all! I think that by sharing truthful processes we empower everyone to create. This design is so inspiring! 😍Now you have kicked off my brain ticking over. I am thinking of trying to do my own little garden bed, which is a riot of everything in together. I am loving how you did the wrapped beads and thinking that would work a treat for my passionfruit and tomatoes. I am wondering if I might be adventurous and try some stump work leaves for the sage, ribbons for spring onions, satin stitch over beads for the soybean pods… so many thoughts!

  4. O my goodness! I am in awe. You are an artist. I just started slow stitching last year and only use a couple of stitches; still learning new ones every day. Your piece is so textural and detailed! I love how you used the lace. I think I am going to learn so much from you. Thank you for sharing your skills and vision with all of us. 💐MARNEL

  5. Love you work! You reminded me of a funny story about zucchinis and cicadas,. Years ago, my toddler daughter came running into the house very excited yelling: "Mummy, mummy, I found a zucchini on your chair. Quick, come and see!" Well, I was puzzled as we didn't have zucchini growing at 5he time so I followed her out the back to my chair sitting under a big old gum tree and there it was….a large cicada shell! I guess when you're little, words like zucchini and cicadas are easily muddled up! Thanks for taking me back 40 odd years to a funny memory 😄

  6. Yesterday when you first started I wasn’t sure about your garden. It seemed so small. But I was wrong it is turning out so lovely. I think it is going to be great, makes my wonky garden look well… not too impressive.

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