Follow me in this video to see the products of the organic gardening. Various natural organic fruits on the farm Plums, Nectarine, apricots, peaches, apples, pears and more. This video was filmed on the humble farm in my hometown village. It is a humble farm that does not aim to market its produce the organic gardening. But to enjoy its view and beauty and benefit from its natural organic fruits as plums. I wish you a pleasant moment in the humble farm with organic gardening and relaxing music that helps meditation and relaxation.
Plums may have been one of the first fruits domesticated by humans, with origins in East European and Caucasian mountains and China. They were brought to Britain from Asia, and their cultivation has been documented in Andalusia, southern Spain. Plums are a diverse group of species, with trees reaching a height of 5-6 meters when pruned. The fruit is a drupe, with a firm and juicy flesh.
A group of videos related to the organic gardening has been posted. You can view them by clicking on the following links.
Nectaring organic gardening

Organic gardening

Apple trees organic gardening

Almond trees organic gardening

Sunflower organic gardening


  1. Привет 🤗💗🖐️
    Всем друзьям канала привет 🤗💗🖐️
    Очень отличное видео , спасибо, люблю Ваши видео 👍👍👍
    Отличного понедельника , легкого , солнечного , настроения шикарного 💞☀️💞☀️💞☀️💞☀️💞☀️💞☀️💞

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