This mushroom barley soup is of the most flavorful and comforting soups I’ve ever made. A perfect mushroom soup for cold winter days that will warm you up. This easy soup is made of fresh mushrooms, dried porcini mushrooms, carrots, celery, pearl barley and more delicious ingredients.

►Full written recipe:

►Equipment I Used in This Video:

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3 tablespoons Olive oil
1 Onion, chopped
3 cloves Garlic, crushed
Celery, chopped
2 Carrots, diced
1 Potato, diced
300g White button mushrooms
60g Dried porcini mushrooms
1 cup (200g) Pearl barley, rinsed
2.5L Water/stock
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 teaspoon cumin
1-2 teaspoons thyme
2 tablespoons Parsley, chopped (optional)

1. I a bowl place dried mushrooms, pour1-2 cups of how water and allow to soak for 20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile start making the soup: in a large pot heat olive oil, add chopped onion and fry until slightly golden, add crushed garlic, chopped celery and diced carrots and fry for 3-4 minutes, add diced potato, chopped white button mushrooms and cook until the mushrooms are softened, about 8-10 minutes.
3. Drain soaked mushrooms, chop them and add to the pot, add chopped potato, pearl barley. Add the mushroom soaking liquids, and 2.5L of water.
4. Season with salt, pepper, cumin and thyme. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer until the pearl barley are cooked to al dente, about 20-25 minutes.
5. Check the seasoning, if needed add spices. Turn the heat off and add chopped parsley (optional).
6. Serve!



  1. Yummy always creative god give you health and wellness
    Thanks for the best chef in the world
    Thanks for all recipes ❤️❤️🌹😘😍❤️🌹💐❤️❤️👍

  2. Thyme with mushrooms is so good. This recipe could obviously be creamed up as well with heavy whipping cream or if you want to make it plant-based you can blend up some soaked raw cashews into a cream and add that. I've made something like this before using the cashews in fact that's how I make a vegan mushroom stroganoff.

  3. Great! I very like mushrom. This soup is look so delicious! Great job! 👏😍

  4. Traducción:
    0:17 60 g de hongos porcini secos
    0:20 2 tazas (480ml) de agua caliente
    0:35 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
    0:39 1 cebolla picada
    0:50 3 dientes de ajo triturados
    0:51 Apio picado
    0:53 2 zanahorias, cortadas en cubitos
    1:07 300 g de champiñones blancos
    1:41 1 patata, cortada en cubitos
    1:53 2,5 litros de agua
    2:07 1 taza (200 g) de cebada perlada, enjuagada
    2:10 Sal al gusto
    2:13 Pimienta al gusto
    2:15 1 cucharadita de comino
    2:18 1-2 cucharaditas de tomillo
    2 cucharadas de perejil picado (opcional)

    0:17 1. En un bol coloque los champiñones secos, vierta 1-2 tazas de agua y déjelos en remojo durante 20 minutos.
    0:35 2. Mientras tanto, comience a hacer la sopa: en una olla grande caliente el aceite de oliva, agregue la cebolla picada y fría hasta que esté ligeramente dorada, agregue el ajo machacado, el apio picado y las zanahorias picadas y fría durante 3-4 minutos, agregue la papa picada, los champiñones blancos picados y cocine hasta que los champiñones se ablanden, unos 8-10 minutos.
    1:21 3. Escurra los champiñones remojados, píquelos y agréguelos a la olla, agregue la papa picada, la cebada perlada. Agregue los líquidos de remojo de hongos y 2.5L de agua.
    2:10 4. Sazone con sal, pimienta, comino y tomillo. Lleve a ebullición, reduzca el fuego a bajo, cubra con una tapa y cocine a fuego lento hasta que la cebada perlada esté cocida al dente, unos 20-25 minutos.
    2:35 5. Verifique el condimento, si es necesario agregue especias. Apague el fuego y agregue perejil picado (opcional).
    6. ¡Sirva!

  5. Made this in the Instant pot. Fresh dill in there. Slow cooked a Turkey breast. On high 3 hours. Perfect results. Added it in the soup. Thanksgiving has a nice soup appetizer ahead!

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