This week Pasta Grannies is in Venice! And that means rice is on the menu, not pasta. Ada Catto shares her tips for making a delicious asparagus with shrimp risotto.

Big thanks to Cook in Venice for their help.

See you every Thursday for a scrummy helping of Pasta Grannies!

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  1. Ah! Wonderful!
    (thought nothing of her putting parmesan cheese in: thinking of crab pasta I made once and put a little parmesan in almost like a seasoning) I'm afraid I will be cooking this in the future 🙂
    Thank you Pasta Grannies

  2. Fantástico!!!!
    Sou descendente de napolitanos, minha mama hoje com 99 anos sempre fez massas em casa capelete, nhoque talharim ravioli, tem uma receita que fazemos que ainda não vi aí nhoque de farinha no brodo com a verdura mostarda!!!
    Seus vídeos nos trás uma paz e nostalgia de nossos pais e avós e uma grande saudade!
    Parabéns pelo belo trabalho!😍😘

  3. I have noticed on this and a few other videos, that they put butter in with the cheese as a finishing touch. I have never seen this before, but I am certainly going to try putting some butter at the end of my risotto to try it out because it would seem to make it a touch more rich and creamy!

  4. Very interesting and elegant presentation. I had no idea about the parm and butter at the finale – which is so scrumptious Thank you

  5. Interesting that she combined shellfish and cheese – normally Italians don’t no? Looks incredible though I’ll have to make it

  6. Nice, but those aren't shrimps in any language: they're langoustines (Dublin Bay prawns in UK, scampi in Italian).

  7. 👏👏👏want to learn more and all about varieties of making risotto 🤤

  8. Love this dish, the freshness of it and the ease of her making it! What a wonderful job you have Vicki!🤗❤️

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