Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese | Quick Salad Recipe | Greek Salad | watermelon Feta Salad

Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese | Quick Salad Recipe | Greek Salad | watermelon Feta Salad | Watermelon Salad | Feta Salad | watermelon Cucumber Salad |
Watermelon Feta Mint Salad
How to Make Watermelon Feta Cheese Salad |

1 Watermelon (medium size)
Cucumber -1 cup ( chopped)
For Dressing
1 Lemon Juice Salt
Black Pepper
3 tbsp Olive Oil
Mint Leaves
Feta Cheese Cubes

#watermelonFetasalad #watermelonsalad
# summerspecialrecipe


  1. I never thought water melon should me making like this…this is new for me…love it ..excited to try this mam..

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