Claire Saffitz's Homemade Ice Cream Recipe (Salted Caramel) | Dessert Person

Claire Saffitz’s Homemade Ice Cream Recipe (Salted Caramel) | Dessert Person
Join Claire Saffitz in creating a delicious homemade salted caramel ice cream as she draws inspiration from classic Crème anglaise recipes and showcases her expert techniques. Whether you’re a dessert enthusiast or a home cook, this must-try recipe guarantees a creamy and dreamy outcome. No matter what type of ice cream machine you have at home, this recipe is a must-try!
#clairesaffitz #icecream #dessert

2/3 Cup Heavy Cream
2 Cups Whole Milk
175g + 25g Granulated Sugar
1 Vanilla Bean
Kosher Salt
5 Egg Yolks

Any Ice Cream Machine
Pastry Brush

00:00 A Call From Mom
00:20 New coop
01:14 Intro
03:02 Ingredients & Special Equipment
03:35 Make the Custard Base
05:49 Make the Caramel
10:40 Make the Crème Anglaise
15:46 Strain and Cool the Mixture
18:30 Make the Ice Cream
21:13 Serve
24:17 The Following Day
24:52 A cat who wants ice cream

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Video Series:
Producer/Director: Vincent Cross
Camera Operator: Calvin Robertson
Editor: Hal McFall
Assistant Editor: Asher Rogers
Theme Song: Michael Guggino

Animation Credits:
Character Designer/Animator: Jack Sherry
Character Rigger: Johara Dutton
Background/Prop Designer: M. Cody Wiley
Background Illustrator: Jagriti Khirwa


  1. It was so much fun showing you how to whip up some homemade ice cream! Now I'm curious, what flavors do you want me to make next? Drop your suggestions below! Can't wait to hear your ideas!

  2. Fantastic shirt, Claire. My favorite experimental ice cream flavor was from Big Feeling here in Providence and it was "ants on a log": celery sorbet, a peanut butter ribbon and raisins. It sounded SO WILD I had to try it and the celery sorbet was insanely juicy and so vegetal and I think about it to this day.

  3. I make custard ice cream base often using a cheap Cuisinart compressor machine that does a great job. Results look just like Claire's. I do 45+ mins in machine & at least 4 hrs in the freezer.

  4. I make a smoked salted maple and, while there were a few things that may have caused it, there's a fine tipping point in salted ice cream that keeps it softer or from freezing as hard.

  5. Dulce de leche cheesecake ice cream.. can you make this an ice cream series? I’m wanting to learn this as well

  6. Awesome recipe! I recently got an ice cream maker too and have been perfecting the custard base. One of my favorites so far has been a delicious Yuzu Ice Cream.

  7. Thank you again for the recipe I made it!! Even though I accidentally cooked the eggs for too long and they went a bit scrambled.. (i just strained them out) it was still sooo delicious!! The salty caramel sweet flavour was so addictive I couldn't stop eating the mixture before it was ready to churn.. and the texture has stayed perfect straight out of the freezer! I will say it was maybe a tad too sweet for me so next time i'd add a little bit less sugar but that's probably just me, can't wait for more ice cream recipes!

  8. Hi Claire, I love your videos and have watched you for years. I was living in Brooklyn a couple years ago, and I was so excited when I found that il laboratorio del gelatto in Manhattan had grapefruit gelato. I immediately rode the ferry over and picked some up. Grapefruit is my absolute favorite flavor. You should try it as an ice cream!

  9. Hi Claire! I'm late to the party … just saw this video last night. I have the same ice cream machine and LOVE it! A couple tips I can share if you're interested. Turn the timer on for the full hour right off the bat. Then turn on the right button with the snowflake to chill the machine (keep the lid on while you/re doing this). I usually chill for at least 15 minutes, sometimes 20. Then I turn on the left button which spins the ice cream and pour in my base and put the lid back on. I find most ice cream needs to go a solid 40 minutes (by then the timer is just about out anyway – you can always just add a few minutes if needed). As your ice cream gets to a nice thickness, you can actually hear the difference as it churns. Also, my instructions said not to turn the timer off, just let it run itself out. You can just turn off the two green buttons. Happy Churning!

  10. Man just imagining how hard being a pastry chef in Paris must be is giving me chills.

  11. This ice cream sounds amazing. However, despite how bomber that chicken coop is, it is NOT bear proof. Even black bears can tear into house walls if motivated enough. To really bear proof your coop (and thus prevent the killing of food-conditioned bears), usean electric fence. Check out bear aware nonprofits for details. You can also likely get reimbursed for electric fencing costs.

  12. My ice cream desire is to somehow replicate the homemade Georgia Peach ice cream from my childhood. I remember being a total PITA to my mom regarding "Is it done yet" as the electric ice cream churn ran either on the back deck on in the sink in the house. My mother is straight-up tired of me asking if she remembers the recipe. HELP Claire!

  13. (1) Why egg yolks for the custard rather than whole eggs? Since you are tempering, you can make perfectly good custard with whole eggs, and use fewer of them. More fat? Add a lump of butter. Less eggy taste? Have you tried it and anyone said they noticed or it's a problem? Not in my experience. I've never found an explanation that really says why egg yolks only is worth it for custard/crème anglaise.
    (2) Why worry about fussy caramel technique here to avoid crystals in the caramel? Sugar crystals in the caramel will dissolve later while you are cooking the custard.
    (3) The ice cream machine does add air to the custard but the more important goal, for ice cream texture, is keeping the ice crystals small through constant agitation while freezing.

  14. I've personally had a lot of trouble making caramels using this water method. Is it okay if I just do straight sugar? I find it far more forgiving as you can stir while it's melting and not get crystals but wondered if this would make any difference in this recipe?

  15. Why do you not edit out your mobile phone use ? Does your editor need more time? Great recipe,

  16. OMG Claire!! You got a Luccino! My very favorite machine. Had one for YEARS both in the US and in Mexico, I even had it in some of the restaurants I had over the years! Amazing!! The very best machine ever! You have no idea how we miss it and now that I've retired, well… a little bit expensive but TOTALLY WORTH IT! You will love it more and more…

  17. "This is bear proof." Well…not really. Bears have fairly nasty, powerful claws. And teeth. And they weigh a couple of tons. If you think, "Could this building withstand a Toyota Corolla with an attitude that can repeatedly ram into this building?" Then you would be in the ballpark of what a bear could easily do. While they prefer lower hanging fruit such as food just sitting around outside, if mama bear's hungry, nothing's gonna stop her. See Tom Scott's recent GoPro camera footage involving a "bear proof" testing facility. The building is more "fox/coyote proof" than "bear proof."

  18. I am a little intimidated by the ladies carmel making game. No way would i do it. Very cute couple. Great chemistry.

  19. Give 👏 the 👏 editor 👏 a 👏 video 👏

    But seriously, so happy to see them getting love!! They killed it!!

  20. Love your recipe books, Claire, but this is the first video I've watched and will be the last. Too many adverts. 🤬

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