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Last week, I ate in a wonderful restaurant in Reno, called “Old Granite Street Eatery”. They serve New American cuising with fresh quality ingredients. I fell in love with their Persimmon salad, so today I will show you how to make this salad using my own sweet vinaigrette recipe, where I add honey and Argan oil! The texture, flavors, and colors of this salad will be a great addition to your Holidays menu!


  1. Hey nice one Alia, ive made a similar salad without Parmesan and with a vanilla bean vinaigrette (white wine vinegar, honey, vanilla bean, the inside seeds and rapeseed oil). Will try to get some Argan oil, Ive heard its really good : )

  2. im seriously considering this for xmas day. its a hot xmas down here so i need a summery menu.

  3. Perfect! My father-in-law just picked over 1500 Hachiya persimmons from his tree. You can make a syrup from them that is very good on many dishes.

  4. Wow this salad looks so yummy, cant wait to make them! Thanks for explaining about persimmons, never knew how to choose a good ones.

  5. The persimmons got a little squished as they were too ripe and I added mandarin oranges to the recipe!

    Came out great…thanks a lot!:):)

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