This week we’re making easy homemade sushi the cowboy way! I’ve got the tips and tricks to make the best sushi you’ve had.
#howtomakesushi #homemadesushi #easysushi

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FOGO Hardwood Lump Charcoal:
Rode wireless mic:
Kent’s original and mesquite seasonings

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking
Editing: Andy Mercs
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  1. Great video, right after watching it, I went to the store to get the ingredients and made sushi according to the recipe. Delicious just like the rest of the dishes on this channel! I recommend your channel to my friends and family, best regards from Poland!

  2. First off—I grew up spending summers at my grandma’s house down the road from you in Eldorado, Ok. Best summers EVER. Best folks in the world live in your part of the country.
    I joined the Marines in 1977, went to Okinawa, and ended up marrying a woman from Okinawa, Japan. Still married all these years later. I am going to make my gal this recipe as a surprise and be a hero for the evening. Gotta thank you for all you do—you are a real gentleman.

  3. that came out pretty good, think imma give it another try.. years ago I tried making some and the rice and everything just went everywhere haha. the Mississippi asians here, have a deep fried version, very good when its hot.

  4. What a great post Cowboy Kent. Such an amazing presentation with just enough tongue-in-cheek splashed over with real Cowboy quirkiness. I simply love it. Also love those canine assistants you have. Thank you sooo much. Take care, stay safe and God Bless you brother. 💖

  5. If you've ever lived in Reno it's no surprise Kent first tried sushi there. Fresh seafood is readily available because the town is only 4 hours from the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to that, there are incredible sushi bars and restaurants in and outside the resorts and casinos. Good gas station sushi? Why not?

  6. Not a single comment about the trash he threw into the wind?. This comment should be a reminder to everyone watching this video and reading comments. Throw your rash into the dumpster. I see this person loves his pets, at least on videos. What if one of them would eat that trash thrown away and they get congested with complications. Just throw your trash into the trash. This is just a small sample of an example.

  7. Cowboy Kent, if you and Shannon ever make your way out to San Francisco, I’d love to take you out for some sushi!

  8. Subscribed! I'm gonna try this soon, maybe this weekend. Thanks so much! And I'll be able to give some of the salmon pieces to my two cats

  9. I love sushi! Thank you for the step by step directions. Now I can do it at home. My grocery store has great sushi but I’ll try this

  10. I first heard of Cowboy Kent watching one of Uncle Roger's videos. I am VERY impressed! Great way to improvise when you cannot find the tools usually used to make sushi. I have to say, you really make it look easy and tasty. Five stars!

  11. Well done good sir! I'd love to see a cowboy style ramen now. Hope you post it soon Mr. Rollins 🥰🍜

  12. i really liked the part where we could leave a message. I am the Steve that just bought the mesquite, the original and i want to try your bbq sauce

  13. bummer. If i could afford some good ribs, i would totally buy some of your rib rub. Actually, i do have some country style ribs. I can buy those all day

  14. He did really well using straws as chopsticks lol that took finesse

  15. Here's me:
    Mountain boy from Montana moves to the West Coast. Starts watching Cowboy Kent. Years go by. Mountain boy discovers sushi. Weeks later Cowboy Kent makes sushi. I love this channel! All my old favorites plus new and never before heard of recipes. There's something for everyone on here.

  16. CK love your show but when you start cooking sushi on your show, is time it evolved, respectfully speaking.
    Why not try bringing on guests from your audience and fly them in for joining as you two cook?

  17. I just LOVE the looks on faces when they learn that Sushi means sticky rice, and not raw fish.

  18. Thank you for just being you . This channel i just joined recently but it has helped fill a dark place since my dad passed in april last year . Thank you both of you and your pups.

  19. As a Japanese, born and raised in JP and now in the States exposed to cowboy culture, this was awesome to see!! Since the first time my American boyfriend showed me your video, I’m a big fun of yours. I love how you utilize what’s commonly available and making foreign cuisines easier to cook at home! I hope many people will cook sushi with your recipe. Even though this is different from typical sushi I picture as a Japanese, I would love to try this at home! If you are making another sushi video, I’ll be sooooo happy and highly appreciate if you could say “i ta da ki ma su” before eating or “go chi so u sa ma” after eating. Both words for being thankful for food in Japanese.

  20. There is also a form of rice vinegar known as mirin that I've used when making my own sushi. It has a mild acidity. Not better or worse than normal rice vinegar but i find its something you can mess with to change up the flavours sometimes

  21. I lived in Japan for years, but I didn't have to make sushi. Just walk out the door to the nearest sushi stand. I have to admit I learned a bunch about making sushi from a cowboy!

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